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A member registered Jun 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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That strikes me as rather concerning, but I'll take it, thanks :P

Huh. Well, I can't speak to how that happened, but I can very much confirm that something is very broken there. I didn't do the testing, and I've not been very involved in how the cards actually work, but I pinged our second programmer who did do the testing and hopefully knows more about this. But I was able to find a lot of issues basically immediately, and I'd think he would've spotted those yesterday, too. So maybe there's something funny going on with the web built? Unsure. Thanks for checking it out again, though!


Well, it depends. The reason this happens to me so much is that I try to do something new every time I jam. This time, for instance, I leaned heavily into Unity editor code. Made some graph tools and whatnot to build our maps. Eventually turned out that we only had one map because time, so that was all a bit of a waste of time, but the point is: lots of really occult problems. Mostly to do with serialization. But now, a week and a lot of refactoring later, I learned a LOT about that topic and understand where those occult problems originated from. Sure, it made our game worse (sorry team lol), but it's certainly a more entertaining way of learning than just getting out some dusty tome :)

Sounds about right. And hour or two, yup. But I would've managed to break about 5 times later on and spend another 4 hours on just trying to fix it again :D

Budget cuts, man, it's the economy and all! Thanks though :P

Hold click :<

Guess that's why they say you need testers :o

Took me way longer than I care to admit to figure out what's even going on, but I got there eventually. Neat little puzzle, cool theme. Unfortunately probably not very expandable, but cool entry for a jam.

Damn. Pretty impressive. Makes me wonder how much ready-made code you are hoarding, lol. I gotta get into the habit of that... That selection wheel alone would've been a good chunk of my 48 hours :o

Neat little game. I do have some questions about those streets and the traffic rules on them though lol

Good chance you soon will!

Personally not a fan of ... whatever this genre is xD But it's well executed, feels fairly polished, and I can see people having fun with it. The balance feels a tad aggressive, though.

I'm not sure how much more this could realistically be expanded, but for a jam game it was quite enjoyable while it lasted. 

Nice, we (actually just me...) floated a similar mechanic early in our brainstorming. Glad someone made it after all! Decently polished, stable, flow wells. Good job!

Since we're currently rewriting a lot of it, I'm starting to understand why. Doing it cleaning takes quite a bit of time lol. Luckily, the code we uploaded here is very much not clean :P

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Not getting at anything, it's just very suspicious timing. An entire week of good vibes and a great jam, then I report a singular person and poof, suddenly an admin appears on our page. I think that qualifies as strange. I have absolutely no idea what's going on, and I'm not insinuating anything, I'm confused.

We can communicate just fine, it just seems to me that you know a lot more about what's going on than any of us do, apparently. So we don't really know what to even talk about, as we have no idea what's even going on.

Edit: Welp. I'm no longer confused. That's all rather disappointing.

Ouf. Oh! The good news is, I'm pretty sure we know about that bug (it's a lot less specific than that). The bad news is, I freaking fixed that half a dozen times xD Oh well, I've already done some massive rewriting, so hopefully it fixed itself by now (or rather, once we can update).

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So... I report a guy for spamming useless beggar comments all over the place, and an hour later I / we get accused of something very similar? That seems... rather... strange?!

Also, what's the "ask your team" about, if this were actually happening then surely you could point out who is supposedly doing it? This is very confusing and the fact that it happens about an hour after I reported an actual spammer is... very, very odd, let's say.

Wtf what.

I'm gonna front you a lot of faith here, because I don't have a second player handy. Single player is predictably boring, but this must be a blast in multiplayer! Great polish, neat idea!

Not bad for, what was it, 12 hours? I find it difficult to judge how good this concept actually is, it kinda needs more content to really know. But the execution is decent, it's a fine game, the pacing is tad weird though.

Quite impressive to have that many levels in 48 hours. Cute game, pretty fun. And surprisingly challenging at times. Very well done!

This is pretty cool, actually. Like a lot of other entries in this game, there is a certain... anti-pattern to the idea. After all, there is usually a reason that we play the non-reversed version of things :P There are a lot of difficult questions to answer for this concept, such as what other mechanics and complexities can you add? It's difficult, because a lot of obvious answers would make the game worse and not better. Something I observed with a lot of entries to this jam, because of the theme. But I think there are some answers for this one, and it could be a really fun game, it's already pretty entertaining. Though I also just happen to be into these "tweak variables and watch things unfold" kind of ideas, so you already had me there :) 

This was pretty neat lol. Good job! Though I'm mad that the last level killed my score pretty badly because throwing  two volume ups quickly doesn't seem to finish the level, despite the settings being right. Gotta do the wall bounce. I call hacks!

Fun game actually, but my combination of poor reflexes and non-existent attention span made this very hard lol.

This game feels like it should probably be illegal lol. 

I don't even know what else to say :O

Cool concept, very nice presentation, but absolutely horrible for the environment! You got lucky this time, no category for recycling efficiency, guess you got away with one here!

Quite ambitious for 48 hours and I kinda love the idea. It didn't quite deliver on what it promised, because it really just can't, not in 48 hours, it's way too big for that. But man was my head buzzing with ideas and opportunities! I wish there were a bit more strategy to it, the only advantage I could find is the generator. And there are, of course, the pretty brutal performance issues.

But overall it's pretty damn cool, especially for just 48 hours. Well done! Really curious what a content heavy, high polish version of this could look like :O There are so many cool ideas one could throw into this concept!

This was pretty damn good! Solid puzzler, very little to complain about. However, as I am German, I must complain about something. I choooooooose... the fact that you can't distinguish between single and multi-blocks in a row! When you need to reorder things, sometimes it's a bit annoying to find the single block you threw into a row somewhere!

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The ding sound is a bit sharp imo. Anywho, a fellow card game, how nice! Some cool concepts here and the potential for some serious depth. Though, I ran into a lot of rounds where neither me nor the opponent achieved anything at all. There are quite a few combos that just don't do anything, so I ended up just skipping rounds over and over again :/  But that's a balancing issue, can't really be too mad about that, with the 48h thing and all. Oh, also, an undo button would be nice :P

Good job overall. It's one of those games that makes you wonder how much farther the concept could go!

Fun little game with a good amount of polish! I'd really like to see some twists on this general "gather points to upgrade" mechanic that's been spreading, but that's not really on you, just musing. I don't know, not much to complain about, it's pretty good! Well done!

As others have said, the controls don't feel very intuitive, and it would certainly play a lot better if they did. But you can get the hang of it somewhat. I would like to complain about the music volume though, its maximum is a good chunk too loud for my tastes. I usually stand alone with that take, but I shall complain anyway :P

I bit simplistic for my taste, but kinda neat. The achievements and different endings were a good call!

Yup, we're aware of all of this. Unfortunately, we just flat out ran out of time for a stat display, we still hadn't quite finished the main game loop and were dealing with a pretty rough bug (which is, evidently, still around in some form, as you've noticed). It looks like we might actually do some polishing of this after all, so we'll see what we can do!

There actually already are different climbers. At one point they had different sprites, too... and then they didn't xD. Another casualty of the crunch, it would seem! A lot of things seem to have vanished in the last hour or so of hard crunching, probably some kind of merge conflict issue, who knows! Point is, we agree, and the infrastructure is already in place for that. Cool suggestions, thanks!

Really cool game, well polished, good fun. Like it a lot! The music is kinda strange though, these random node jumps are throwing me off a lot (it's also way loud). Could also maybe turn down the inertia just a tinnnnny bit to make it feel just a littttttle bit snappier. Or maybe even lean into it and give really good control in lava but less so in air, as I think it's currently a little unintuitive that you're so rubbery in _lava_ (which is real freaking dense, after all). I don't know, maybe that wouldn't be fun. Either way, really neat game, good job!

Pretty cool execution on the project and cool intro. There's only one problem: I've just spent a weekend making a game and I really don't feel like making another one now :P

Still, neat little program!

I'm pretty sure I speak for every member of the team when I say: We know! We wanted to! A lot of corners had to be cut, and we decided that a game that you can actually play beats one with a good UI which you can't :P

Yea, pretty sure Howling Wind is just flat out, 100% bugged. It's tough to make content heavy games in a short time, never mind 48 hours. I'm honestly surprised we don't have a lot more bugs :P

It's very unfortunate though, the game could've been an order of magnitude better with just another hour or two, but such is the nature of a game jam, I suppose. Thanks for playing it anyway, though :)

Oh my god. As though I wasn't already bad enough at rhythm games, now you gotta flip the script on me, too? Yikes! It's pretty cool, neat idea, cool looks. I still hate it xD I'm too old for this! But I shall vote as though I weren't, no worries :P