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Wow this game is so polished! The throwing of the briefcase to start the game is genius! Attacking the drones with the briefcase and actually hitting them is satisfying too! The game is so well done my real gripes are very minimal but did affect how much fun I had. With only the briefcase to use as a weapon and also block the bullets, I had the hardest time trying to defeat the first drone who spawned kind of behind me. So while im throwing this briefcase at the drone and then recalling it to block the bullets, the next drone shows up, and the next one, and the next one and I had no chance to actually throw the briefcase. lol. If you made the briefcase throw super fast, that probably would make it more intense and fun to play, like a second or so for the briefcase to reach far enough out to hit the enemy. Great polished game for the jam!

Thanks for trying my game out! I totally agree that the game is a bit too hard, and I've already made some adjustments in Unity that makes the drones spawn less often and the briefcase throw faster. I'm also working on an indicator that a drone has spawned behind the player, which should hopefully eliminate some of the difficulty as well.

It means a lot that one of the jam hosts tried out my game, so thanks again!


Those are great ideas! I'm also quietly working behind the scenes as a Jam host, just a fan of VR and video games :)