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In case it helps, here is the first 10.000 lines of the log file for the Player.log file that ended up over 2GB large, by using:

Get-content -TotalCount 10000 .\Player.log | Out-File -FilePath .\First10000.log


thanks for the very detailed feedback and playthrough! i am truly humbled to have made something you valued enough to take the time to write this out

the error, from what i can gather, appears to be that an enemy couldn't find a position to path to when doing a random-movement they do while they're active with no enemy in sight. that's rather strange since i never had this issue - but since i never had this issue i never remembered to exit the movement loop when bringing up that message. so you had your logfile filled with plenty of dev-comments that repeated themselves in a while loop until a crash. i'm unsure how it might be related to any spell usage, but i'll take a look now.

to address some specifics:

>Cell doors block projectiles
noted, will fix this eventually. it has to do with "door" type object preventing obstacles. i recently fixed this with statues, ill do it with doors soon

>Boss fights
Usually they have a different skin and some light effects, but bosses that have non-aura modifiers (for example "Extra damage") have no other visual changes. it's something i'll need to address.

You can move the minimap with the arrow keys, or dim it with + or -

What a funny encounter. i'm glad to be able to instill this panic/fear in players. i'll look into making the lever a "click only" interactable

>Spell Levels on icons
sure, i'll try it out.

>Potion sort. 
you CAN soft of sort them, but i'm not planning on autosorting. pressing middle-mouse on a potion in the inventory sends it to the hotbar. if the hotbar is full, it sends it to the first available slot, going from values 0 to 49, with 0 being the top left slot, and 40 being the bottom right. in this case, slot 9 is top right, so the potions will be sorted horizontally.

it's on purpose! i'll change it to something like "Unkown entity" or something - the idea is that the protagonist can't tell what he's looking at exactly

>Bosses Continued
i find it amusing how you were able to problem solve your way out of bosses. perhaps i should persist their targetting on saving/loading

>Icespike vs Sun Cultists
correct, they cannot be slowed!

>Despawning enemies
enemies never despawn, but they do lose sight of you and de-aggro after some time. they will either return to where they came from or go "patrol" somewhere

>Manashield SFX
noted. good idea

>Minimap pillars
noted. i'll take a look

>Menacing obelisks
they're 50-50 whether they give a boon or a negative effect! the fireball one you've gotten is my favorite!

>Ice damage weakness
im curious about your spell drop rates - since i feel like icespike that late into the game should be at least level 3 or so, and not level 1. i'll take a look at book drop rates again and see if something is amiss

another player had a great idea about outlines, i'll try and implement that by next DD

Noted above, looking into it now. 

I'm very glad you have made it this far. it's an impressive and valiant ironman run
You're right that the game tends to 'shift gears' when a boss appears. i will need to make their presence much more obvious to avoid startling the player with a much stronger foe

again, i am tremendously grateful for your long and detailed feedback. thank you for taking the time to play and document your experience despite the hardships. i hope you have enjoyed your time, and i will try my best to ensure the future version is bug-free, at least from these bugs mentioned today!