Is it possible to save in the demo?
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Does this look right?
The tutorial could probably use more places where the player can be creative and solve more creative tasks with their newfound knowledge while the knowledge simmers in their heads. On the other hand, if the player tough out the tutorial, they probably have all the ground bases covered and can just continue.
Iron man + hard mode run. The Itch app is leading me to believe I am running ToK.22e, but I do not know whether I can trust it.
I could be wrong, but the Golden Goblin may be bugged with wands (or, read the sections below, unique items, since I tried to give it a unique shield first). I put in 3 wands with decent attributes, but got a completely generic (I think no properties) wand. And when I dropped it on the floor, it apparently disappeared - I am 98% it is not in my inventory or anywhere near me. Was it bugged? I think this may make the run harder, since I gave my best wands, including one that had hallowed damage and gave +6 attack rating.
Wait, I think a lot is bugged now, I dropped some other items, and they disappeared, and I am trying to drop a potion, and the game does not allow me to drop potions. Wait, now I can drop potions, but they disappear into nothingness.
I am attaching Player.log , I can see a lot of exceptions at the end. In case it matters, I first tried to give the Golden Goblin the unique paladin shield Guiding Eyes, since I hoped to combine it with two magical shields and get a better shield - but I do not know whether unique items can be given to the Golden Goblin. But the Golden Goblin would not accept the unique shield. So I instead gave it 3 wands. For some reason, the Player.log file mentions ToK.22b, even though I would guess that I am running ToK.22e .
Player.log :
The main ways of attempting to reproduce the bug might be to try first with wands and see if that works without any bugs. And if it does, then next try by giving it a unique item, and then give it wands (or maybe just some other items in case it is unique items that is giving problems).
Thank you very much for the video and the reply!
I realize now one area where I really messed up, I somehow got it into my mind that you have to mix water and biostuff to heal, which yields a little bit of healing, but as you show in the video, pure biostuff is sufficient and heals a large amount, making it much easier and faster to heal during combat.
I also did not think to mix more than 2 chemicals. And melee'ing bomb enemies with freezing seems like a very effective approach (but also one that could also go wrong if you mess it up given that you are getting close to explosive enemies). I think melee'ing with freezing would have worked in the small room where I encountered 3 enemies during my medium difficulty attempts, which would indeed make it a skill issue on my part (I did not think of combining melee and freezing).
Electricity looks really powerful.
Sorry about the video link not working, I am trying out different free sites because I am a bit of a cheap skate (also this is a temporary account). Does this link work?
If experimentation is meant to be a significant part of the theme, then in the tutorial and advertisement for the game, you could have introduction videos that might go like:
"Experiment: Alchemy is powerful yet dangerous. Discover which alchemy mixes works against an enemy ... [shows mixing acid and using it to great effect against a small laser enemy in slow motion] ... and which doesn't ... [shows mixing plasma and using it against an exploding enemy, getting killed by the counter beam in slow motion]"
I apologize for my comments earlier, but I did get rather frustrated by the very small room with 3 exploding enemies.
Trying again, but on easy mode.
Freezing seems useful against either kind of explosive enemies, if only to stop them - is freeze level 3 with the pistol needed to freeze-stop them? Plasma appears to be effective against the gas exploding enemies.
Still dying some on easy mode, but usually clearing a number of levels before that.
The camera might behave differently when cheesing using alchemy-mix-time-slowdown than when moving around in normal time.
Appears that you need freeze-6 to guarantee freeze-stop enemies.
I found a (software) bug:
It did not end my run, since I could kill it using the scythe.
I decided to clear all rooms on floor 1 even after finding the exit, and succeeded on doing that the second run I found the exit.
Does using the plasma on the blast explosion enemy cause reflection and harming the player? While using it on the gas explosion enemy insta-kills that enemy? I have not yet been able to reliably visually differentiate the two types of exploding enemies, especially in darkness, but I might figure that out eventually. The color of their "eye"? Red for blast explosion enemy, yellow for gas explosion enemy?
On floor 2 now.
I still really like to cheese-snipe all the exploding barrels I can see before starting a level (using fire-3). I do not use the dash, since I am really afraid of dashing into exploding enemies and insta-dying despite this being easy difficulty.
I usually start levels with freeze-3, since that gives a decent chance of freeze-stopping exploding enemies before they annihilate you. I never use the scythe, since I feel the risk of accidentally hitting an exploding barrel and dying or losing lots of health is too high. Maybe I will change opinions if/once I get better at the game. I also start the level by going into time-slow-alchemy-mode, and see where enemies spawn, such as if an exploding enemy spawns right next to you. JUST AFTER I WROTE THIS I STARTED A LEVEL WHERE A GAS EXPLODING ENEMY SPAWNED VERY CLOSE TO ME. And time-slowing saved me. This time around I quickly moved away, switched to plasma, and insta-killed it with the gun.
I died in one room, ran away from one explosion enemy, and another explosion enemy charged me from the other direction.
3rd time I reached the exit, I will skip the other rooms on floor 1 as I think you are meant to just get to the exit.
How do I pause the game during combat?
I think I rather early on found the exit to the 3rd floor. Yes, 3rd floor.
I also sometimes shoot regular barrels simply to give me more space to hopefully be able to circle-strafe and dodge enemies.
acid-3-water-3 reliably one-shots the small laser enemies.
What are the differences between the floors? I do not know if I have found any difference between floor 1, 2 and 3 so far.
Do explosions have longer range than what their visual indicators indicate?
I found the exit on the 3rd floor and that is apparently the end of the demo.
But I only won on the Easy difficulty. I was AFK for a fair bit of the run, so the time spent is likely shorter than what the victory screen indicates.
The game began to be more fun once I learned it, and it does seem interesting. And experimentation and learning fits alchemy very well. Very fast-paced, though the time-slowdown helped with that.
I am stupid, so I will try to complete the first floor on medium difficulty without first completing it on easy difficulty.
After many deaths, I lucked out in the first room and managed to circle-strafe survive in that room which almost only had the triple-laser horrors. I then began experimenting using the pistol with which chemicals would deal good damage against them, and came to the conclusion that fire seemed very strong against them.
I have found out that you can cheese-clear some of the obstacles in a room before entering it. This is a double-edge sword, since those obstacles can also be used for cover, but being able to dash away from exploding enemies and circle-strafing might be more critical to survival than using cover.
Managed to clear a second room in that same run. However, it almost went completely wrong due to running into a box while trying to circle-strafe which was very difficult to see. I failed to experiment against the surviving enemies (their own friendly fire killed a lot of them) to see which mixes were good against what.
Experimented on what can clear boxes like that. Apparently (and logically), fire is really strong against wooden boxes.
Cheesing rooms by first clearing explosive barrels feels very helpful to survival.
Using "alchemical mixing time" for slowing time and getting an overview of what is going on before you explode before being able to react is very helpful, even when it does not feel like that is the intended purpose of the time slowdown.
Died on the third room in that run.
Some of those boxes are really durable, I used 4 shots of 5physical+45fire damage while cheesing the obstacles of a room.
Dying a couple more times.
Found out that enemies can be frozen. Also, freeze seems somewhat effective against the explosive enemies, though not necessarily one-shot territory. Are there two different exploding enemies, a gas variant and a blast variant?
Is right-click ever used for anything?
Having an exploding enemy spawn right next to you when you enter the room does not seem fair. At least you can slow down time and dash, but dashing can bring you near enemies (such as exploding enemies), especially with limited view and the darkness of the rooms.
Acid appears very effective against the small single-laser bugs.
I went into a very small room. It spawned 3 exploding gas enemies and a small single-laser bug. I am not convinced that it would be possible for anyone to clear that room without dying no matter how good they are. I am therefore not convinced the author actually played the game on medium difficulty. Can you freeze the enemies or something?
Author, please upload a video of you completing a full floor at medium difficulty. I am probably being overly skeptical.
Second time I am playing Wodopom.
I am clicking "Normal", but the browser page is still loading. I can see a floating spaceship now and music is playing. Are you planning on adding a loading bar of sorts that shows loading progress? Though the floating spaceship does help indicate that stuff is happening.
It has been more than a minute, and nothing happens when I click "Normal" or "Explore".
Oh now it loaded the main menu. "Normal" and "Explore" were not buttons, but labels, apparently. Before, I could only see a black background and the text "Normal" and "Explore", and then a bit later a floating spaceship.
Nothing happens when I click "Setup". The game lags a bit when I click "Mode".
Nice tutorial.
I have played the game before (and I am also stupid), so I am starting a run on "Hard" difficulty and "Run!" mode. Also choosing the Wodopom Hunter, basic variant, even though it says "Difficulty: Hard".
"Ranged+" is occurring twice here, is that a bug or on purpose?
How do I deselect my crew? I can select them by dragging, but not deselect them. Wait, now I can select and deselect them. Did I have caps-lock on?
I have powered the teleporter with two energy bars, I have 2 crew in the teleporter room, I have clicked 't' on the enemy ship, there is a teleporter marker on the enemy ship where I clicked, I am clicking the purple teleporter button (with a "2" in it), but my crew is not teleporting. I do not understand why. Eventually the enemy ship jumped away. What did I do wrong? I was able to teleport in a previous version of the game months ago.
I saw this in the console log, but it is probably unrelated:
The teleport issue may be on my end with problems with input.
Can anyone else get teleporting to work?
Wodopom appears to be an increasingly large game. Will you use Typescript to help you develop it? Or other approaches to help deal with increasing complexity and size?
I played the test levels.
The game is overloaded with cuteness, a really nice game.
The ease of which levels can be skipped is great for those that do not want a lot of difficulty. I do wonder whether you should additionally add walkthroughs for each level, or hints, or similar - but that may be superfluous.
I have seen most/all these levels on stream months ago, so they were not that difficult for me (they would have been more difficult if I had not seen how to solve them on stream), though still challenging.
For the space levels, could some fairy-themed space objects be relevant? Like some fairy-themed spaceship zipping by far in the background? Or some constellation of a fairy godmother or such? On the other hand, the background should not be too distracting.
A number of the levels depend on the "corner-cases" of the game rules, which might be good.
I could be wrong, but the game feels ready and done.
I wonder if you could get different and possibly more useful feedback from newcomers, like people that have never played or watch a stream of the game and never heard of it.
I feel like I am not giving you useful feedback here, in part since I have played it a long time ago and also have watched streams of at least some of these levels, and it just feels good.
I have played a different version some months ago.
I do not know whether it is a bug, but in the first boss room, I might have gotten stuck in strafing mode, such that I only exited strafing mode while holding 'space' or 'shift'.
When I first entered the boss room, I had a huge number of charges, maybe 42. When I died and respawned (I had watched the boss battle on a stream, and I got much farther on my first attempt than the streamer's first attempt, in large part due to charge as well as seeing others try it), I ended up with many fewer charges, namely 10. I assume that is a bug. So I quit the game and tried from the beginning again, since having many charges would make it much easier.
On my third try (I aborted the second try very early on once I discovered that I only had like 10 charges), I managed to beat the shield boss. I had zero health/shields left. And 6 charges, apparently. I think I entered with 45 charges, so I might have spent 39 charges. Ignoring difficulty and when it should be encountered, I like the boss.
The controls and movement are atypical, and players need to get used to them first, so I think the boss should be weaker or a different boss should be there or something. Or longer training levels.
I like the levels a lot, aggression and offense is a necessary tactic in some of them.
I like the second boss, finished the battle with 4 shields. I did not use any special weapons (I think I had the axe weapon).
Now I am at the challenge zone.
I finished the 4 challenges, those were fun. There was no way to exit the challenge level selection from what I could tell, so I exited it by quitting the game and starting it again.
It would be nice if you could exit to the main menu instead of only exiting the whole game.
I barely managed to complete the "unfinished, unfair" level - the last part I just rushed past the enemies.
I liked it a lot overall, I do not know if I would have been able to defeat the first boss using just 10 charges though.
Also, attrition seems to be a major focus, and possibly also a major concern of balancing. The "health/mana on kill" properties, as well as the "life/health stealing" properties, are very powerful in this regard.
The game does not seem all that difficult in regards to action, since the most difficult encounters, bosses, can be briskly walked away from (as long as you leave an escape route), leaving you time to ponder how to deal with them (though you could also just pause the game, I guess). For regular enemies, action-skill on the player's part can help decrease attrition, and so can figuring out how to have as little attrition as possible (also by using tactics). One challenge is to have as little attrition as possible without specializing for attrition-decrease at the cost of being able to deal with bosses.
Second Iron man run attempt, ToK.22c, again with a wand/spell character.
I left a lot of items, including the paladin's shield and a lot of books, at the stairs to the next level. I then went back later, but all the items were gone. Is this on purpose? It was in the "Hall Of Pain" level that I left those items.
For some reason, the game has felt substantially easier so far (at level "Upper Halls"). Maybe it is because I am spamming a level 3 "Ice Spike" spell against bosses that I cannot kite? Or different gear?
I have not found the boss that was imprisoned behind a lever. I do not believe I skipped anything. Is it random? I might have missed it after I encountered an obelisk that deleted the map I had of the level so far.
The "Pureblooded Bugman" again caught me by surprise and caused me a lot of damage, the first time I was in danger of dying. But I could comfortably jog away, stabilize, and then kite-spam "Ice Spike". I have learned the spell "Slow", but I forgot to use it in this case.
I am currently in the "Breeding Grounds 1" level, and I have just found the "Haste" spell. I am thinking of using it to move around the level more quickly, because I am taking more care to ensure that I have a clear escape route this time around. I also found a shield or fetish (I combined it with other items at a Golden Goblin) that gave mana steal percentage (the final item went from I think 7% to 5%, but the Golden Goblin transmutation also gave it faster attack speed). So, at this point, together with "Mana Shield" level 3, despite being a wand/mage character, I am now treating a lot of the basic battles as a melee character without kiting away. "Bloodlust" is at level 3. Boss battles can still very much be dangerous. Most of my inventory is filled with potions. I am being careful when approach new rooms and blind-firing using "shift", which just refilled about 1/4 of my mana without enemies getting near (I also have some "get mana on kill" items).
The "Breeding Grounds 1" level took a lot of time to clear and felt like it had a lot of enemies.
In "Breeding Grounds 2" level, it feels a bit that I am sometimes clearing rooms of enemies without ever seeing them by shift-blind-firing into those rooms. I can see that by my mana going up a lot and hearing "death" sounds.
I am leaving lots of potions behind.
I found a helmet that "Reduces all Physical Damage by 1". Does that refer to outgoing damage or incoming damage? I assume that it is the latter.
Finally completed "Breeding Grounds 2". That felt very boring, sorry. The same enemies over and over and I am barely ever losing mana due to mana stealing and mana shield being very efficient. And I have left behind lots of potions on the floor. I did not feel like there was much if any difference between 1 and 2 of "Breeding Grounds". Would it have been less boring if I had enabled the option at the beginning of the game to have fewer ability points per level? Any planned content? Did I luck out on equipment and spells, and have it too easy? I wonder how difficult the game is to balance.
Paladin camp seems nice.
Snake monsters.
The level "Lost Corridors" feels more difficult, and especially the "Truth Seekers" are adept at dealing damage from range. I am now spending potions, at least against bosses, since the bosses I have gotten so far was the very fast kind ("Temptresses"). I also suffer a bit of attrition from regular enemies.
There was a potion that I could not reach after temporarily dropping it:
Figured out how to dodge reliably the "Truth Seekers", which meant that I ended up gaining mana while ducking in and out near the entrance of a room full of them.
Will it be possible to have multiple quests at a time? Will there be UI to see an overview of them?
I went to an obelisk, and once I activated it, it said something like "The needs of the many cost one" (I do not remember). And my helmet dropped. I am not certain why - the helmet requires constitution. Did the requirements increase, or did I lose constitution? Something else?
Defeated the final boss and won the demo. Ended up "Ice spiking" her to death, and tried to take care not to run out of mana, since the mana shield spell is really, really efficient. I did not have my preferred helmet on, because I foolishly forgot to increase one extra point into constitution when I got a level up.
Only on Normal difficulty, not Hard, but still Iron man.
The last level was somewhat long, but more fun than the two previous levels, since I did not really have any attrition at all at those two previous levels, and I ended up mostly with not-that-dangerous bosses.
Final notes: This is not quite my type of game, but I did like some of the challenge and seeing if I could figure out how to beat the game without dying. In all cases I believe, I could just briskly walk away from the fast bosses (the only type of boss that was dangerous to the wand/mage build I was using, since I paid attention when fighting ranged enemies to see whether I was taking a lot of damage or not) while trying to figure out how to deal with the boss.
The quality and scope of the game is rather high, and there is a lot of different spells, I do not think I tried out even half of them. Probably should have on the levels that I had a large surplus of potions on the floor. I think it makes sense for the "shield" spells and the "booster" spells to only allow a limit of one at a time as you have it currently implemented.
I do not understand why I can select "nothing" in the loadout screen when starting a game, but I imagine that will become clear later as I play. Or is it just placeholder for now while the game is being developed?
Menu looks nice.
The difficulty selection might not be colorblind-friendly, but the game may already assume that players are not colorblind.
The music is loud when starting the game. Can I change the audio volume in-game?
How do I pause the game? 'P'? 'Esc'?
Is the UI for alchemy slightly buggy? Should the top-most "water" peripheral one-sixth circle-piece bar be present?
I find the game somewhat confusing, at least the alchemy part, but alchemy is frequently about experimentation and discovery, so I would assume that it is up to the player to mix and experiment.
Is there a way to quickly clear all ingredients/reset? (I cannot remember the controls). I died, but I can see that 'Tab' is used. Maybe there was a UI bug before because right-click is rarely used and 'Tab' is usually used to clear the mixture.
I have died twice now in the first room, on medium difficulty, but I am still learning at the moment.
Now I died very quickly to exploding enemies in the first room.
I have died several times in the first room now. But, after I remembered the dash, I almost survived one room with few enemies.
Is it normal for the first room to have 10+ enemies on normal/orange difficulty?
After maybe 20+ deaths, I SURVIVED A ROOM!
I abused alchemy mixing to slow down time, dashed around, hid behind crates, and survived the mass death explosions at the start of the level. And then I popped out of cover once in a while to take potshots with different chemicals at the triple-laser-death-beam robot-beetle.
I do not understand this game. A lot of it seems really polished and nice, but other parts seem only slightly polished or even confounding.
Maybe I should have gone for "easy"/green difficulty first.
Maybe a tutorial would be a good idea?
Being able to pause, and set in-game the audio level(s), would be nice as well.
Not using the player.
The sword does not have long reach, at least against wooden boxes.
Is there a bug in the map at the top right?
The arrow is not on top of the rectangles.
I dislike having to go around and smashing all the crates after a level is completed. Might it make sense to have all crates auto-destroy once finishing a level? And maybe also have all items auto-move towards the player, or would that prevent players from saving items if they are low on health and want to backtrack? Then again, the crates can be used for experimentation and training (like timing a sword swing). I just imagine that it can be bothersome in the long run.
I did not have an easy time seeing from afar the difference between regular "zombies" and armed zombies, apart from shots being fired, but it might not be important.
In the first boss room, I accidentally went to the next level instead of checking out the two side rooms.
For weapon three/shotgun weapon, the red crystals look a bit shaky when looking up and down.
After I bought a "crown of thorns", the helper text from the shop is still around in the subsequent levels.
I like the boss fights so far, I have completed two at this point. Nice introduction to concepts, weapons, enemies and counters.
I ended up dying at catacombs 1, I did not realize that the spike traps were traps, and they ended up killing me.
Fun enough game, very hectic, my usual tactic was to just run around in a circle around the room and shoot at prioritized targets.
The Iron man save is still present, but I lost all my progress in the ancient skeleton level, items gotten, experience, everything, from what I can tell. I am going to avoid using the lightning disk spell from now on.
Possible bug: I am taking on and off a ring that has "Increases Attack Rating by 5". But I cannot see any changes in the level screen. Does "attack rating" not affect wands?
Minor bug, three skeleton archers stuck behind a bookshelf:
A golden goblin, together with some rings that gave extra poison damage, health/mana on kill, and some other properties, yielded a very good ring that gave extra damage of other types and +3 mana on kill. Combined with level 3 "Purifying circle" and other items that give extra mana and health on kill (I am still carrying a book of that which I cannot read yet, I did not pick up yet another book like in the lost progress before the game froze previously), I can remote-clear several open areas rather easily in this level.
Regrettably, I lost my Iron man run. I realized too late that I was up against a boss in the "Breeding Grounds 1", in a panic I retreated into unknown territory, and ended up stuck in a corner. The game felt really easy right before I died, since I dealt something like 16-22 damage per wand shot (with items that gave extra damage per shot), and I believe I could have comfortably deal with that boss if I had not in a panic foolishly retreated into enemy territory - my inventory was full of potions and I also had the "Haste" spell for kiting or escaping. I would not mind it at all if bosses were made much clearer, because the game for some portions changes between "killing mobs that are no danger at all if you play at least a little bit well" to "need to kite, maybe retreat, maybe think how to deal with it, refill potions, can very much die" bosses. And even then, many bosses are not really that dangerous.
On Iron Man mode (I have not played DD50, but have played a build before that). Did not take the other start game option with weaker levels.
I am playing on ToK.22b, not ToK22.c, which was uploaded after I began playing.
I went with wand and shield.
In the in-game help system accessed with 'H', mouse wheel doesn't work with scrolling.
Nitpick: Iron bar gate doors/yetts seem to block projectiles, unlike iron bar walls which let projectiles pass through.
I often feel like I do not know when I am fighting a "regular" boss, except if my health decreases more quickly than usual and an enemy takes more time to kill than usual. The visual difference is not always clear. The game is of course generally dark.
Nitpick: Is there any way to move the minimap up, even if temporarily?
I had trouble with a boss locked in a room on the "Lower Dungeon 2" level. I entered the room at first, reading the text about "please let me out" and stuff. However, I was holding the left mouse button down all the time, and when I hovered over the lever in the room to read its text, I accidentally use the lever. The boss fight then started, and I felt unprepared and soon found myself outmatched. I then kept running away from the boss, occasionally taking damage when trying to attack at range with my wand. After running in circles for ages trying to figure out what to do, I tried using spells and timing it, which I had a bit of success with, but could not do reliably without taking damage. I had trouble re-equipping health potions during the fight, but found out that if I clicked far away, the character would keep moving, giving me time to middle-click health potions in the inventory. However, I ended up running out of health potions. Then I tried going to the main menu and load again. That apparently placed me a bit away from the boss. After a few tries with going to the main menu and load the game again, I succeeded in starting far enough away from the boss for it not to chase me. I do not at this point know how to deal with the boss without gathering enough health potions and then trying to duke it out in "melee". I do not yet have a spell that enables me to slow the boss, which would enable kiting. I do not believe it is possible to run. Alternatively, I imagine that the way to deal with the boss is to avoid it, and come back later once you are stronger, but it would have been nice if I could not use that lever while holding down the left mouse button, since I did not intend to open the door (I had not yet arranged all my health potions to prepare for the boss even).I only found a spell book of "Ice spike" on the "Halls Of Pain" level.
Nitpick or suggestion: For the spells that have levels, include a level number in the icon in the spell book?
Nitpick or suggestion: Add an "auto-sort" button to inventory to avoid having to manually move potions around? Though sorting like this can be computationally complex. I would still think that a basic sort that just tries to move potions to for instance the right would well decently.
Nitpick: In "Halls Of Pain", there is something called "???" that offers to give equipment in return for 5 years of the MC's life. Is the "???" a placeholder name or on purpose? I would guess on purpose, but just asking to double-check. I tried to attack him with shift-leftclick with a wand, which not surprisingly did nothing :) . I did not take the offer, so I do not know what that does and did not test it, sorry.
Nitpick: Why is the default hotkey for changing inventory equipment backquote? Is that not awkward to use on many keyboards? It also did not work for me I think. But if it works well on most keyboards, I would guess that it is fine since it can be rebinded.
The slow effect of "Ice Spike" does not appear to work against the sun warriors with the big hammers, is this on purpose?
I ended up fighting a very fast "skinless/flayed" boss on the "Halls of Pain" level, and I ended up using the "go to menu-load again and appear a bit away" exploit to "kite" away from him and avoid aggro. I first tried using "Ice Spike", but for whatever reason (whether I was too unskilled at doing it or that tactic not working, I failed to kite him with pure "Ice Spike" usage without taking damage. I do not feel like I can outskill that boss, and I am out of health potions, so my current strategy is just to leave that boss behind using the exploit.
Now I have encountered another very fast "skinless/flayed" boss on the "Halls of Pain" level. I am going to attempt using the exploit against it again. I succeeded, lured it back a way, used the exploit in a long hall, and can continue. Count of bosses left behind, lurking in the darkness, biding their time (across multiple levels): 2 regular bosses, 1 special boss. I do not quite know how I could have defeated the two regular bosses with a wand/spell character (just spamming a good damage spell and have enough health and mana potions?), but that might be a skill issue on my part.
I still have not found any way to regain health outside of potions (outside of the "cauldron" spells, which I on principle am not going to use - possibly at the cost of my MC's life), not any lifestealing or manastealing items either, apart from one melee weapon gaining something on kill I think, but I discarded that due to my character focusing on wands and spells. I think at the end of "Halls Of Pain" I found an amulet that gives 1 mana on kill.
On "Upper Halls", I found a ring that gave 1 health on kill.
I found a book of "Mana Shield" in "Upper Halls".
In "Upper Halls", I defeated a very fast (and large) boss purely by using level 1 "Ice Spike". I still spent a fair number of health potions, but I had managed to lose very little health in part by relying on the "Mana Shield" spell and in part by kiting and being careful, so I still have some health potions left.
State of the game so far:
Maybe I am wrong, but, if you are being chased, and you leave a slow enemy's line of sight, might it despawn entirely?
For some reason, the minimap is in the center now. On earlier levels, I believe it was offset down.
Nitpick: When being damaged while having a mana shield and not losing any health, would it be possible for some "mana-shield-clang" sound to be played instead of the "aw" sound that is played when the character loses health? Maybe play both when the mana shield is emptied and the player loses both health and mana in one attack?
I wonder whether my strategy of leveling up both "mind" and "intelligence" is a poor one, since both increase offensive options in some way ("intelligence" also provides some defensive options). On the other hand, some "mage-type" gear that give bonuses to both "mind" and "intelligence" requires "intelligence" of a certain level to use.
On one of the first levels, I used a "menacing obelisk", and I think it decreased my maximum health by 2, with a message that included "exertion". On a later level, another "menacing obelisk" said something about treasures being refilled, but I did not want to go back, since the bosses I exploit-escaped still lurked in the shadows on earlier levels. But now I am in "The Burrows", I have a good stock of health and mana potions, and I have encountered another "menacing obelisk". So I think I will take my chances, backtrack, see if I can defeat the bosses, and look if there is any new treasures in previous levels (I am not quite certain why previous levels would get treasures refilled, since it sounds a lot like backtracking), and after all that, activate the "menacing obelisk" I have found here in "The Burrows".
I have killed all 3 bosses (the two regular bosses and the special boss) that I exploit-escaped earlier. I use level 1 "Ice Spike" spam against them all. One of the regular bosses dropped the paladin's shield. The special boss dropped "Lashing Claw", which I am not going to use due to my build, but which looks interesting. During my backtracking, I did not see any new treasures, so I do not understand what the message of the second "menacing obelisk" meant.
Some minimap objects are apparently not stored, but can be rediscovered, like pillars in "The Burrows", and I think at least one exit in one level.
The third "menacing obelisk" shot out a lot of fireballs which dealt 31 damage to me, luckily I was at full health at 83, so I am now at 52 health. It said "Evil lurks where we least expect it".
I think it was primarily the bosses in the early levels that were difficult to recognize, at least the bosses of the last few levels were recognizable. But I have not completed the game yet, and this is on Iron man mode, so I might not survive until the end.
I found a book of "Bloodlust" in "The Burrows", near the ancient skeleton level entrance. With the "Fetish Idol" I have that gives a level in it, I now have access to "Bloodlust" level 2. The "Bloodlust" spell scales really well and seems really nice for a wand-focused user, but I have yet to test in practice how good level 2 "Bloodlust" is compared to not using "Bloodlust" (the 40% extra damage should be substantial).
I wonder what would happen if I gathered and gave all the unique items I found to the golden goblin or what it is called (I already used it previously with mage-type equipment, and got a good crown, which I am using). I do not know if it always gives "build-appropriate" equipment or not, and how it would check that, so making it dependent on the type of equipment you give it would make sense, I think.
I am overflowing with potions now:
I encountered a "Pureblooded bugman" boss. I could not differentiate it from the other enemies easily, apart from the huge amounts of health and damage output of it. I messed up and almost died (got to like 8 health when I escaped in the wrong direction - I also ended up attacking enemies when I really wanted to run and flee at one point, which I think is my fault and not the fault of the game), and when I tried "Ice Spike" spam, it tanked through it, and I had to escape. I found out that it is possible to escape enemies through going to an earlier level, which I did not realize until now. I re-equipped potions, went back to the level "The Burrows", and tried kiting it a bit, since its pausing just barely allows kiting, but I ended up switching between kiting and "Ice Spike". It finally died, but I did spend a fair number of health and mana potions on it. I still have a lot of potions left, though. Is ice damage weak against that type of enemy?
It is a bit annoying when enemies that are close by and which would clearly be in line of sight of the main character can hide completely behind walls from what the player can see. Would it make sense if enemies showed their outline (like when you hover over them with your mouse) when an enemy is both: In line of sight of the character; Is fairly close by; Is behind a wall?
I found a book of "Haste"! I did not know the game had a spell like this. I wonder if this means I will be able to reliably kite many enemies including bosses, as long as I have at least a bit of mana left. I found it somewhat late, in "The Burrows" level. It is rather expensive, however, at 10 mana.
The level "The Burrows" have a very nice creepy-crawly atmosphere.
On the level "The Burrows", the entrance to the ancient skeleton level is not saved on the minimap and is only added to the minimap once you re-discover it.
That level is called "Skeleton Pit". But is one of the lower, earlier levels not also called something like that?
The "Ancient Golem" is very large and menacing, but not so dangerous for a ranged-focused build.
I have replaced "Manashield" with "Haste" in my Spell Wheel, but I have not used it yet for a practical purpose (currently in the ancient skeleton level).
I found a minor visual bug, with a black poodle where my character is visually on top of it but the lightning shots from my wand go below it:
My "Purifying Circle" spell is at level 2, and I have found three books for it that I cannot use yet due to too low "intelligence" level.
The unique weapons seem interesting, I like the "Non-Euclidean Basher", though I am not going to use it due to the wand-mage build that I am using.
The ancient skeleton level might be the first level that I have found equipment that has "steal percentage health/mana" properties.
I think the game froze when I used lightning disk, or when it hit an enemy, or something:
I have had the game running for some time after the crash, but the log file at "C:\Users\itch-player-redacted\AppData\LocalLow\osur\Tower of Kalemonvo\Player.log" is over 2GB by now!
The Itch player wants me to update to version 22c, but will my Iron Man save carry over? However, I can also choose to not update, so I am continuing in 22b.
I am moving the Player.log file , and am using " Get-content -tail 50 .\Player.log" in Powershell (as per ) to get the last 50 lines in it:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Error here! (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
But I do not know how useful that is to you.
Continuing in a new post.