This was surprisingly fun! I've been playing it for a while and even managed to save the world by reaching the robot at the end. You can be very proud to submit a gameplay-wise actually fun entry in this short amount of time! I honestly think with a bit of work, this could be a very solid little minigame, so here are some things I realised:
- In full screen (using Unity's full screen button), the menu does not display any UI elements, so you can't play the game.
- The art of the character is clashing too harshly with the pixelated world. I like the idea from a world-telling perspective, but it does not fit from an artistic view. I suppose if you had gone for a more cartoonish character with smooth outlines etc. this cartoon-pixel clash would work better than the current clash.
- It took me a while to realise that the pigeons are damaging you because I did not see their droppings. I was almost gonna write "Sometimes I lose health randomly!!!!", but then I saw it. Consider giving it an outline or changing the colour of the droppings.
- The bird death particles are the same as the those of the rats, resulting in a LOT of blood dropping down. Looks cool, but unfortunately, the player is usually right below the birds, which means the player is blinded and distracted. So you're being punished for doing what you have to do.
- I love the extra elements like water, the skeleton, the jump device. So I thought it was a shame when none of that was found in the later stages. It made the game feel empty. And when then there were three times the same enemy types when advancing, I almost thought this was an end of game loop, and I almost quit because of that.
- Consider giving the rats knock back or a confusion state when attacked.
- I think the hit box of the large rats are too big.
- The sounds for the bird droppings are too loud and annoying
=> Overall, a nice experience, and I hope I could give some insides as an unbiased player :)