IT'S TIMING TIME: I really like the use of clock ticks to get us right into the sound of these tracks!
Snoozing Isn't Allowed: I really like how creepy this sounds, reminds of Terraria and underground Mario tracks.
Sick Beat for Slaying Time Anomalies: This one is REALLY cool! I love the bass and the guitar sample in the intro, it really reminds me of Persona 5. I love how it builds later on too!
Alarm Clock Type Beat: I really like the use of the alarm clocks in the intro, and I like how it evolves into this building ambient sound with the beeps and the synth sound.
The Part Where It's Serious: I like how the vibe makes me feel like a boss fight is coming up, like where I am is not safe (in the best way possible lol).
Punctual Success: I love the intro and the bass in this one, and how it turns into a spy sort of sound.