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A member registered Feb 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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To start, I really like the game title, cover art, and backstory you gave it. The idea that Mark has nothing to lose, so he's willing to try anything is a really cool concept! Also I love the wheel being the clock in the cover art, it adds to that time's running out feeling! The tracks themselves have some really cool ideas and are really professional sounding. I think my personal favorite in Canyon Race, I really like the flute sounds and the desert vibe of the song, it gives it a sort of Uncharted 3 vibe that I really love! A Race Against Time is also really good; it sounds straight out of a movie chase scene. Great stuff!

Thank you, I'm happy I caught that vibe! I wish I had more time for level tracks and other things but this jam was in between 2 trips so I didn't have a whole lot of time for it, but I'm really happy with how it turned out either way.

Thank you! I hope we can work together for a future jam, maybe when I have more time for one lol.

Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear from someone besides myself that I'm actually improving, so thank you! :)

Thank you! I just layered those pads to see how it sounded and it came out great.

All three of these have some really cool stuff going on, I like the first one a lot. It sounds like if raindrops played notes and it was really cool and original. Great stuff!

I really like the in depth game idea and the cover for this, plus the fact that it's play in browser it really cool. The vibes are so cool and I love the heavy 8-bit sounds in some of them. Really cool tracks!

I remember hearing this in devlog and loving that kick sound. I really like your concept for the game, gives me strong cadence of hyrule vibes (love that game but I'm so bad at it lol).

Similar to what LBC said before, I like the idea of a tutorial theme attempting to disrupt the tutorial with a wild theme like that. Also got some Tetris vibes from the Gameplay theme. Great stuff!

This is some really cool stuff, and I like the concept of it all revolving around Dali, going as far to use his country's anthem (such a great idea!).  Awesome work!

This has some really cool sounds and I especially like childrenccccity. This could really be helped out by having a concept or idea of the game style you were going for, or at least what you were thinking about when making each track. Great stuff and I look forward to hearing more of your music!

All of these are so so so good. I love the doom sounding beats with the soft vocals, it sort goes with the idea of a character with two sides. Also really like the bonus menu song at the end, really cool idea to take that original sound and make it lofi. Great stuff!

I really like the cover art and concept, feels immediately video gamey and sets the theme right away. The tracks also do ambient and upbeat really well, especially the time period ones like barrenbluff and neo arcadia. Great work!

The concept for the religious related ideas is really cool, I always think its so cool and creepy that everything could be out of your control, and you don't know. The tracks also really fit this idea, and have such a creepy and larger than life feel. Great stuff!

Cool ideas, the polyrhythms in the first one sound really cool, and rebel is just dope.

The jumpiness of the synth and not a whole lot else going on really cements the spy/hacker sound for this game. Great work!

Before even the music, I really like the concept and the art, the concept reminds me a lot of hollow knight and the style of the art reminds me of the berserk manga, really cool stuff! The music also fits this in such a great way, a very ambient yet involved soundtrack, and fits the theme great!

This sounds so cool! Really high quality in both sound and composition. Also really cool that this is (going to be) in an actual game instead of a concept. 

I really like the ambiance and the sound effects adding to the music. Great work!

The tracks really fit into a puzzle solving sort of game, and I really like your use of reversed sounds to add to the time stylization of the tracks. Really cool stuff!

I really like the ambiance of this one, the vibe of the track and the story you gave it reminds me of Stray, with the little cat wandering through the apocalyptic city. Really cool!

IT'S TIMING TIME: I really like the use of clock ticks to get us right into the sound of these tracks!

Snoozing Isn't Allowed: I really like how creepy this sounds, reminds of Terraria and underground Mario tracks.

Sick Beat for Slaying Time Anomalies: This one is REALLY cool! I love the bass and the guitar sample in the intro, it really reminds me of Persona 5. I love how it builds later on too!

Alarm Clock Type Beat: I really like the use of the alarm clocks in the intro, and I like how it evolves into this building ambient sound with the beeps and the synth sound. 

The Part Where It's Serious: I like how the vibe makes me feel like a boss fight is coming up, like where I am is not safe (in the best way possible lol).

Punctual Success: I love the intro and the bass in this one, and how it turns into a spy sort of sound.

Prelude: I love the use of piano in this! It gives such a classic vibe and sets up the vibe of the dimension the alchemist is from.

First Self: I love the jazzy elements and the evolving piano from the prelude! I like how the song progresses, the bass gets lower and the chords start to sound weirder (in the best way lol) and creepier almost.

35:79am: This one really reminds me of an Omori battle song, and love the jazzy elements used that were set up by "First Self" brought back in this one. Great tune!

Timespace: I'm always a sucker for ambient sounds, leitmotifs, and great drums and this track gets all of those!

66:66pm: Also some great Omori vibes, really mysterious and creepy. Really cool!

Faced with the Other Self: I really like how you brought it back to the classical-esque sound for this, where the alchemist finds his other half, showing the connection, plus with the leitmotif.

Thank you so much! I really was focusing on the drums in this jam, so I'm happy they turned out good.

Thank you! I'm a sucker for drum n bass/breakbeat so I always try to sneak them in these jams lol.

Thank you so much, that's what I was going for!

Thank you so much! I went for an album cover-esque thing for the cover image and it turned out better than I expected honestly. I definitely see what you mean about the stabs; thanks for the feedback!

Lol, that's exactly what I had in mind!

Thank you so much! I wasn't totally sure about the chord choices for the first track at first, but I'm happy a lot of people like it!

I really like the sounds this one had, and it felt like it was mixed really really well. All of this is just such a vibe, from the cool music to the video edit on the YouTube video, really cool stuff!

(1 edit)

Really really great tracks, I love the 16-bit style with cyberpunk, the way you did it fit so well! My favorite has to be ONLINE TOY SHOPPING, just love the sound. really really cool!

I really like the use of funky time signatures, I think you pulled it off really well. Also love the overall sound you gave this, it fits cyberpunk but stretches beyond it even. Really cool!

I absolutely love the story that you game this, I love when co-op games have the characters fight, like in A Way Out. I also really like the mix of techno and acoustic sounds in this, it fits really well! 

I really like the ambiance and the atmosphere in all of these tracks, really creepy in the best way possible for some, and super fast and heavy synths for others. Awesome Stuff!

Love how it totally sounds like a GTA game soundtrack, funky-ness of the tracks just fit that vibe so well, and the cyberpunk elements help it fit the theme really well. My favorite track is Get a move on, love the mix of synth and acoustic instruments, great stuff!

Thank you so much! I tried to spin it a different way with the positive vibe. :)

Thank you so much, definitely what I was going for!

Love the detective vide with cyberpunk, always really well executed. I love the jazzy/bluesy feeling throughout, also really helps build the theme of the OST. Really awesome tracks!

Love the funky beats with the heavy synths in every track, undeniably cyberpunk! My personal favorite is Night Drive, just really like how the whole world was conveyed in such a chill track. Great Stuff!

Really great sounds and style, it fits right in with cyberpunk. Between the creepiness and the action filled parts of cyberpunk, this really fits the theme. Great stuff!