Really good. I have to mention that a part of the fun was stripped away because I don't have three hands... I mean moving, attacking and rotating the camera was a bit much. I first tried using WASD and mouse, with minimal rotating and occasional use of the super move. I then thought of using both hands on keyboard, but the key arrangement for camera and attack was far apart. The audio was nice. Combat improvement other than the controls, I cannot think of something...
Some ideas:
Layout for left hand on keyboard and right on mouse:
1. Keep movement to WASD and move the camera rotation to the Q and E like the "strafe" movement some games have and then drop the cursor keys.
2. Use right and maybe middle mouse click for the other attacks and drop the U,J,N keys.
Layout for both hands on keyboard:
1. Keep movement to WASD and move the camera rotation to Q and E like above and drop the arrows.
2. Arrange the attacks to a horizontal key sequence (like J,K,L); I personally find it easier having tree fingers like that instead of vertical (U,J,N).
Arrange two sets of keys like WASD. For example cursor keys for movement, W,S,X/Z for attacks and AD for camera?