Nice one! Really appreciate you working on it. I'd bought the bundle last year so I have both plugins.
So will any script calls need to change or anything to allow the boundry spawns to save, or is will it just now be built in as base?
I've encountered a bug which is causing some saved events to not respawn when they should, resulting in a situation where they sometimes respawn and other times do not, I'm actively working on fixing this before release. I'll update once this issue is resolved.
as far as script call changes and such it's just the addition of one extra argument for save.
Ritter.spawnEventOnBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Ritter.spawnEventInBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Ritter.spawnFillInBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Ritter.spawnFillOnBoundary(mapId, eventId, regions, boundaryName, save)
Hello! I've released version 1.5 of the Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner which includes the saved boundary event changes you've requested. I hope this update works well for you! As always if you encounter any issues be sure to let me know and I'll do my best to address them as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your patience and good luck!