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When you say animations, do you mean the location character graphics to display move, action or trap zones or actual MV animations?

Actual MV animations, like the ones created by selecting "Create MV-compatible Data"

Replicated! Strange... Thanks for reporting!

Now there's another problem. First, I've noticed damage numbers have stopped appearing and I don't know why. But the main problem is AoE skills don't work at all. They show the range, but then when i press enter to use them it skips the turn and does nothing! What's going on? And also, I want this skill to only affect a 3x3 radius, but extra tiles on the sides appear that I can't remove. How do I fix these 3 issues?

Can you post the skill settings? That should be a lot faster

Here's the skill settings: {"Animation Type":"target","Animation Character":"","Animation Character Index":"0","Animation Character Priority":"0","Action View":"map","Attack Pattern":"normal","Attack Range":"3","Exclusion Pattern":"normal","Exclusion Range":"0","Facing Attack":"true","Damage Pattern":"normal","Splash Range":"3","Exclusion Damage Pattern":"normal","Damage Exclusion Range":"0","Required Terrain ID":"-1","No Through":"true","Knockback Range":"0","Suction Range":"0","Teleport":"false","Swap":"false","Contact Layers":"[\"0\",\"1\",\"2\"]","Contact Terrain":"[]","Contact Regions":"[]","Skill Cost Configuration":"","Use Allies":"0","Ally Reduce Cost":"false","Ally Increase Cost":"false","Ally Power Reduce":"false","Ally Power Increase":"false","Use Enemies":"0","Enemy Reduce Cost":"false","Enemy Increase Cost":"false","Enemy Power Reduce":"false","Enemy Power Increase":"false","Share Cost Allies":"0","Share Cost Enemies":"0","Cool Turns":"0","Reserve Turns":"0","Reserve Area Graphic":"","Reserve Area Graphic Index":"0","Reserve Area Graphic Direction":"2","Reserve Area Graphic Priority":"1","Reserve Animation":"1","Reserve Action Balloon":"","Placement Trap Configuration":"","Trap Trigger Count":"0","Always Trigger Trap":"false","Trigger Animation":"1","Character File":"","Character Index":"0","Placement Animation":"1","Trap Area Graphic":"","Trap Area Graphic Index":"0","Trap Area Graphic Direction":"2","Trap Area Graphic Priority":"0","Trap Target":"all"}

And in the database:

Is this skill supposed to deal damage?

Nope, but another skill with the same setup does and the same thing happens.

(1 edit)

And on further testing, this happens with the default Fire skill in the demo too!

EDIT: And Slash too. Oh, and the Ice 1/2/3 and Blizzard spells in the demo have no range whatsoever except the tile directly on top of the user, neither does the Silence skill, or Paralyze, or Fire III, or Flame II, or Quake I. But for whatever reason Flame I works fine...

Rechecking the demo shows that the skills work just fine. Can you provide a video clip showing the skill setup in database and plugin and a battle test of it?

Showing loaded plugins would be a plus.

also your database settings