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I checked out your game and here's my feedback:

1) The art style is really cool and minimalistic. I liked the sounds on the title screen and I generally enjoyed the vibe.

2) Great job on the way you've setup the first few levels as a tutorial. Clearly you're setting up the level to practice the mechanics being presented and it felt very intuitive.

3) I really liked the music and wanted to ask you where you found it btw or if you made it yourself.  The main loop got a bit repetitive after a bit but its still overall very chill.

4) The character's movement feels a bit too floaty, that could be on purpose but wasn't sure.

5) The camera might zoomed out a bit too much,  the characters are cute and I felt I wanted to get a closer look at them.

6) The character's attack needs a bit of work in my opinion, the range is very small and to be perfectly honest I'm not sure what it is that he's throwing at the birds :P. Maybe you meant the range to be small but I found it frustrating how close I had to get to the birds to hit them. Maybe increase the range and make the birds chase the character if you get close? 

Still, it was a nice experience. Really motivated me to stop dithering and release a playable vertical slice for my game :P.


Thanks for the feedback! 

I made everything myself including the music 😅 sorry if it got annoying I tried my best.

You might be right a bout the zoom I just left as it was in the mobile version... I don't have any plans to update the game but I will defenitely use your feedback for my next projects! 

Thank you!