great game, great story. loved the final boss!
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I made an open world platformer game!
It has 3 main areas and a cool story. You can play it for free on your browser.
Hello everyone!
I wasn't active here for a while, but now I had some time to create a new game that I'm really proud of :)
I'd love to hear what you think about it! I wanted to make an open ended game for a while, but but I was always scared that it would be too confusing to play. I think it came out good, and I hope players won't get lost. To solve that problem I made it so you can always return to the main area from the pause menu, which is also where you can track if you collected all of the main collectables in an area. Also I tried doing some world building and a story you discover naturally (if you choose to pay attention to the dialog).
Thanks for the comment! Yeah you're right about the name :D I didn't know if anyone would notice so I'm happy you did!
I tried my best making something that would be good for the jam... Previous VN jams had games made in rpg maker and people seem to like them so I thought this would be a good opportunity to give rpg maker a try :)
Thank you!
I submitted a few days before the deadline, It was hard to tell how much time I need especially when I also have to study but I'm so glad I managed to finish the game and even had time to make adjustments for the web version :D
I already played some amazing games from the jam and I'm excited to play more!
Good job everyone!!!
Hi everyone!
I made a short horror visual novel. It starts off cute but gets deeper and scarier later on. It has some exploration and a few puzzles but it's mostly story. It's really short, about 15 minutes to beat. there's also a pretty good web version :)
It's my first time making a visual novel and a horror game. I'm happy with the final result but I'd like to hear some feedback if you have :)
trailer -
Wow! This game is seriously beautiful. The art and is amazing, I especially liked the monsters. and the fact that the game takes place inside the human body is really cool.
And having to stay to shoot is a cool idea, you have to plan ahead and make sure you have time to shoot before a bullet catches you. I really liked it.
Hi everyone!
I made a short horror visual novel. It starts off cute but gets deeper and scarier later on. It has some exploration and a few puzzles but it's mostly story. It's really short, about 15 minutes to beat. there's also a pretty good web version :)
trailer -
Hmm... Looks like some issue with the collision, it didn't happen to me or anyone who tested the game but I'll look into it.
About the camera size, I guess I really haven't considered the fact that different screen sizes would all run the game the same way therefore the game can look smaller on other computers, I might change it but I suggest the you play the game in full screen.
And the skipping was something I wanted to have because I didn't want people to get stuck on a certain section and not being able to beat the game... The dendis (the points you collect) are needed in the end of the game which is why you should skip only if you really have to.
Thank you for the comment!
Thanks for the feedback!
I made everything myself including the music 😅 sorry if it got annoying I tried my best.
You might be right a bout the zoom I just left as it was in the mobile version... I don't have any plans to update the game but I will defenitely use your feedback for my next projects!
Thank you!
The game looks really good, I really like the art!
If you want to show some more expression you could change the portrait for each new sentence (just changing the face not redrawing the entire character). But to be honest I think it's perfect as it is! Your game looks really great keep going!
If you want to give my game a shot here's the link: