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(1 edit)

1. Since a service like making items for the player should come with a few I think, it's fitting for a witch imo. Depending on your level those shards drops can fastly add up. I had over hundres of them besides avoiding most fight for testing purposes and the other test players had a lot of them as well so I think 100 is a good amount. At least for the faint ones. May change the higehr ranking ones later.

2. Nice find!

3. I unfortunately can you just the same thing like before "Ultimates are just getting rebalanced right know in teh next patch tehy should be deal a good amount more dmg as well as some skills got buffs and nerfs too."

4. I think the game already has a lot savepoints but I understand what you mean. I definitely could add more. But I don't unerstand what you mean with "especially as you can just warp to a place with a save point". Do you mean its just would be nice if a safe point is besides every war point, if so yes I can see the point.

5. There isn't as far as I am aware if you playing on the newest patch, there should be only one in the central area who is giving a hint for the quest. If I miss anotehr one please tell me!

6. Oh right, added the information to the skill info!

7. Thats a limit of the script, I sadly can't do anything about. But it shouldn't be to bothering since its only visual and dont affect gameplay. Sorry for the inconviniece!

8. Yup they don't, since they are not the same skills in the database but slightly modified version so the skill level cant be shared unfortunatly.

9.Those are two diffrent quest. Are you sure taht you didn't mix them up?

10.  Oh you're right, just was a mistake I overlooked

11. Sorry I don't understand the question i think. It's already wearing something in the body slot that just can't be removed, taht's all.

12. To keep balacing more manage able they get removed as well as exp shards and are returned after the forms story is completet.  I will add an extra text in the Party Member Tutorial and warnings who will mention it! Sorry for thw confusion.

13. You're right taht is an overlook as well. Sorry^^"

14. I will take a look at it later!

15. Good find will fix that.

Fixed all of the things you emntioned now!
Thanks for the feeback!


(1 edit)

Sorry dont understand wat you mean, its complete and still says Night Hunt from what i am seeing in your screenshot. Oh you mean the text at the end of the quest says "Shady Busness" instead of "Night Hunt", I fixed that as well now but its only a visual error not affecvting gameplay or the actual quests so no worries^^