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1. I am very sorry it somehow compeltley under my radr. Yeah some of teh new forms have the default ressitances still. I will fix that now. Since that is pretty big and a lot of other things also pilled up I will try release a new patch today. Thanks for noticing it!

2. I think taht happens since 33% is a very bad number to use. MAybe I change the description to 1/3. You think that would be better?

3. That certainly is a bug, will fix taht as well. Thanks for finding!

4. Fixed as well!

5. Not a mistake, which ones you get first just depends on the order you find and do quest. So nothing to worry about,

6. Yeah, actually I may have an idea how to fix that! Will be included into new patcha s well^^

7. Must have overlooked it. Fixed as well!

8. Oh really I just came up with the name myself, didn't knew that this was an already existing word. But the name has no meaning or implications, wasn't intentional.

Also thanks again for all the finds, you do not mind if I write you in teh credits under "Special Thanks" since you already discoverd so much?

(1 edit) (+1)

2. Yes.

Feel Free to include me in special thanks, I think of myself as an unofficial beta tester for this game already.

The I will do that in teh new version today!