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It was quite a good game loop actually!

Sadly the music cutout part way through :(

It was also a bit awkward to aim with the players direction using WASD and then mine with space... i would suggest point the player towards the mouse and left click destroies the block if in range.

The sound was pretty good and you almost hyptnotised me with the swirling ballls 😅

My score was 530 :)


You went the distance! Honestly, I thought the music might do that, but it was so down to the wire and there were so many other things I was trying to work out. 😅

Thank you for your time and the feedback. I appreciate you.


Thank you for apreciating me :)

And yes, i totally understand not prioritizing the music. Mine is just a measly 16 secound loop lol. Focusing on the gameplay is just a tad more important. :)