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A overall fun and engaging experience, enemies can hurt if they rack up enough damage over time, most noticeable with the fire enemies, but otherwise somewhat do little damage(Situational). From the two characters that I had played, I noticed a distinct different in power. This can be a positive and negative depending on who's asking, but perhaps some balance changes there are needed. Twitch integration was a great addition, and definitely makes the game more engaging for both the streamer and viewer. Some additions such as cosmetics, lore(such as secrets or hints), access to the coop, and base customization would be nice to see. It's a very homey feeling game, and that adds a nice coziness to the genre making it feel different from the other vampire survivor esc games. In the campaign, during the level select, maybe add the option to go to a shop. Shops could have in game buffs for coins, that are stronger than the owl ones, but aren't permanent; Or you could have the shop be where you get the cosmetics in question, so you have to play in order to buy things from the shop if you want collectables. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I love the idea of being able to spend coins on cosmetics, so that'll be something I'll definitely add into the game :) Having a shop in the campaign map is a nice idea, I'll think on it more. Thanks!