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A member registered May 15, 2023

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It's really cool seeing some of me suggestions coming to fruition, I really look forward to seeing the game develop more and more. U.I looks really good too.

The new design looks sleek, and for the loadouts, it's exactly the type of thing I had in mind, I can already see this adding new gameplay options and playthroughs.

Interesting premise for a tower defense, active playing tower defenses are not too common, with Citywars being the most similar in terms of having to actively play. Some stuff needs to be said more, like what towers do and what upgrading does. A mini tutorial to show what each tower does, level select needs music and maybe changed to theme a kitchen. Fun, but rough, like the stage before the economy stage feels impossible to beat with the lack of DPS but that could just be me. However, it's fine, a tower defense that is engaging always feels coolio. 

Really nice concept, old games brought into a 3D plane looks fantastic. I especially enjoyed Space Invaders in the 3D format, admittedly though, it was hard to gauge where they were exactly with hitbox. Some bugs were there, pinball softlocked and Asteroids let me play a little longer even though I gameovered. Pinball felt slow, Pacman felt super clunky too. However, it was an overall fun and somewhat nostalgic experience.  

09/04/2023 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1917289247

Titles Total: 4

Back to the Arcade 01:19:18-02:11:20

Crazy Kitchen 02:12:40-02:54:37

Going to play some demos for a lil again https://www.twitch.tv/calamitysecho

A very, very enjoyable game for me. I've never been one for card games, and barely have played any Turn-Based games, outside of a select few games. So my enjoyment for this game, came out beyond expectation. It was engaging, tactical, and had you going. The game is brutal, and that is fine, it's meant to be that way, however some things do need to be tweaked in my opinion. Equipped weapons should be drawn first in combat, if it's equipped, it should be at the ready. RNG might have to be changed just a little, as sometimes, you can just get acorns or 2 rocks, one of which can create a far bigger impact than the other. Maybe other ways to get inside houses, as a whole axe swing to break down a door feels too much, considering some houses visually look like they have windows. Careers/Occupations for starting could be a way to further spice up the game, selecting a character giving different buffs/debuffs, starting gear, things of that nature. A journal would be great, every day the character can write down lore on the journey, something like the game 60 seconds, it would also be a great way to have recipes and crafting information written down so you don't need those items to have to check what to keep. Luring to the minigame is good, as it stands, it's a 50-50 and with someone with bad luck, it felt like it was pointless to even try to lure sometimes. Repairs are coming so that is nice. As for the character, giving them more background would be great. Or even just having the player have the options to give them background and a name would work as well, especially for those who wanna do some type of RP. Lore, and or story would be wonderful as well, while searching houses, you have the option to read something that may have been found during the search, giving lore as to what happened to the family, the world, such as the start of it all, all depending on the location you are getting this information from. All and all, a very solid game that look forward to seeing more from.

A overall fun and engaging experience, enemies can hurt if they rack up enough damage over time, most noticeable with the fire enemies, but otherwise somewhat do little damage(Situational). From the two characters that I had played, I noticed a distinct different in power. This can be a positive and negative depending on who's asking, but perhaps some balance changes there are needed. Twitch integration was a great addition, and definitely makes the game more engaging for both the streamer and viewer. Some additions such as cosmetics, lore(such as secrets or hints), access to the coop, and base customization would be nice to see. It's a very homey feeling game, and that adds a nice coziness to the genre making it feel different from the other vampire survivor esc games. In the campaign, during the level select, maybe add the option to go to a shop. Shops could have in game buffs for coins, that are stronger than the owl ones, but aren't permanent; Or you could have the shop be where you get the cosmetics in question, so you have to play in order to buy things from the shop if you want collectables. 

09/03/2023 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1916440249
Feisty Fauna 00:00:00-01:11:41

9 Dayz 01:11:41-03:07:02

Gonna start streamin a couple of games soon at https://www.twitch.tv/calamitysecho

Hello, you may address me as Echo, https://www.twitch.tv/calamitysecho