-I like the spontaneous fire effects and how you used them to guide the player.
-Idk if it's a localization issue, but like 10% of the overall text had grammatical errors or typos.
-I like the style of everything (particularly how the music meshes with your visual designs), and there genuinely seems to be a strong foundation for something here.
-As much as I liked how you used the spontaneous fire to guide the player, the options when entering a building were VERY confusing.
-I love that you used that dragon as a main companion.
-I loved how when I interacted with things it said multiple different things every time I interacted with something, it was initially, surprisingly immersive.
-I would replace your UI with something less "stock" and replace all the stock sound effects.
-It was very confusing on who I was playing as, and what world I was in, I was clueless on the premise, but I didn't play extensively.
Final Verdict: Your intro was phenomenal and there is cool, stylish, charming visual and music chemistry here, the way you guide the player in an emergent way is cool! But the actual mechanics and the world you built are really unclear. Pretty Pyro has the potential to be a really charming IP imo, I would work on solidifying the foundations you've already built, clarifying some things to the player, and work on some original art. From what I played, the main character is actually well developed at first glance (narratively, basically), the rest of the "cast" needs work. I didn't play for very long, but I didn't encounter a single npc that reacted to my pyrokinesis. The NPCs I did encounter did feel like actual people and were charming, so kudos for that. Keep up the good work! I would tutorialize the options you have when you approach buildings and proof read everything. If this is a tech demo on using fire to guide a player emergently in RPG maker it would be GREAT! As a demo for a whole game right now, it needs a bit of work. Again, the dragon companion, intro sequence, and music are all really really charming and strong positives! Much love, respect, glad I got to try this out. :)