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SC0RPI0 Games

A member registered Feb 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Heya Streamers, please check out my game Sands Of Arcturus, I'm going to be starting a kickstarter and steam page soon, any and all interest is really appreciated!
There's some I found off hand. I hope one works for ya.

Thanks a bunch! Oops, totally didn't realize I could turn the mmo tag off, I'm kind of a noob when it comes to jams. Thanks for the suggestion on combat tutorial, I actually replaced TP w/ an AP momentum-ish system but yea, there is no UI for the bar and no explanation. I do intend on adding more guidance and making early game easier somehow, so I appreciate that feedback. There is an npc at your camp that guides you to each party member for the first few party members. The first one doesn't pop up until you fully explore the 'exterior' zone he's in/talk to crazy prophet in the temple in the first 'outskirts' zone closest to your camp, if you have the urge to continue playing and finding party members. :) The combat might definitely need some type of tutorial, I assumed it would be simple enough to jump into, the missing AP bar either needs to be fixed and/or explained in a tutorial though along with all the various state effects like you said, there's trips and bodyslams etc. that stun, and things that can give you states when walking around like animals, npc, plants, statues, buffs, debuffs etc., it wouldn't hurt telling the player about that stuff. Thanks for trying it out and your feedback! :D

There are nice and easy, plugins/scripts available, which engine is this in? Thanks for checking out my game as well! :) 

-Super Polished.

-I love the sound effect for the dialogue lol.

-I was fully engaged for the short amount of time I played it.

-The 2.5d is awesome.

Wow, crispy! This would be fantastic on mobile as well.

This is great! I'd literally just suggest replacing some of the stock sound effects, and maybe adding 8 directional "pixel movement", so it feels more fluid. That intro is an effective hook!

The Graphics are great and I love the way this one feels, I just couldn't find a weapon for the life of me... I strongly recommend possibly giving the player a starting weapon or at least putting one in the chest that you can see but not access without going around that building. That chest would be great placement for a starting weapon because it makes the player familiarize themselves with the map a bit before they can start fighting things (if that's the intention). I would love to play this more and if you are trying to emulate Kings Field without updated QOL features this is great so far, I love the style of the assets.  I've never played Kings Field before so the controls threw me off a bit, but they actually were intuitive, just very old school. Also when navigating the menus with the keyboard it's really sensitive to up and down, skipping options when navigating. The first level looked well designed as far as assets and enemy placement and getting around, I really wish I could find a weapon. Creeping around enemies that could one shot me with no weapon was harrowing. Vibe accomplished. Also Tab for inventory/menu was the last button I found, it needs mild tutorialization, at least controls told to the player and a starting weapon. Otherwise, I found this super intriguing.

-I like the spontaneous fire effects and how you used them to guide the player.

-Idk if it's a localization issue, but like 10% of the overall text had grammatical errors or typos.

-I like the style of everything (particularly how the music meshes with your visual designs), and there genuinely seems to be a strong foundation for something here.

-As much as I liked how you used the spontaneous fire to guide the player, the options when entering a building were VERY confusing.

-I love that you used that dragon as a main companion.

-I loved how when I interacted with things it said multiple different things every time I interacted with something, it was initially, surprisingly immersive.

-I would replace your UI with something less "stock" and replace all the stock sound effects.

-It was very confusing on who I was playing as, and what world I was in, I was clueless on the premise, but I didn't play extensively. 

Final Verdict: Your intro was phenomenal and there is cool, stylish, charming visual and music chemistry here, the way you guide the player in an emergent way is cool! But the actual mechanics and the world you built are really unclear. Pretty Pyro has the potential to be a really charming IP imo, I would work on solidifying the foundations you've already built, clarifying some things to the player, and work on some original art. From what I played, the main character is actually well developed at first glance (narratively, basically), the rest of the "cast" needs work. I didn't play for very long, but I didn't encounter a single npc that reacted to my pyrokinesis. The NPCs I did encounter did feel like actual people and were charming, so kudos for that. Keep up the good work! I would tutorialize the options you have when you approach buildings and proof read everything. If this is a tech demo on using fire to guide a player emergently in RPG maker it would be GREAT! As a demo for a whole game right now, it needs a bit of work. Again, the dragon companion, intro sequence, and music are all really really charming and strong positives! Much love, respect, glad I got to try this out. :) 

(1 edit)

When you do, it can be downloaded for free on Gamejolt, instead of here. At least until development is done. [edit: It has been updated here on Itch, and is also free here now.]

This looks pretty cool! 
I just noticed you added my game to one of your collections, wondering if you had a chance to check it out yet?

Thanks so much for the support! 11. :)

Thank you very much! Until a newer version is uploaded, the first one is playable for some hours. :) 

Thank you, you didn't come off too harsh at all! I apologize for the lack of communication regarding what can and can't be done.(x,y,z, etc.)

A mild horizontal slice that is lacking story/dialogue might be more accurate than "demo". This is roughly 2 weeks of work after extensive paper prototyping, while working on multiple projects with the intention of the majority of the projects being in the same IP. I really appreciate the good feedback and constructive criticism. Thanks for letting me know it has potential and complimenting the map. :) 

Thank you! <3 

Hi! First time submitting or even participating in a game jam here... My submission is basically going to be a glitchy prealpha to a sequel to another project I am simultaneously working on; Sands Of Arcturus 2. It's open world and my general design philosophy is heavily inspired by Obsidian games. The original is made in RMVX so I'm quite excited about developing a sequel in SGB. :)

Open world with rich lore that is based off of a WIP novel series. Branching, choice and consequence narrative, faction-based quests and items, and immersive exploration elements. It is essentially a JRPG with four classes, but has some outlying Non-Linear mechanics, details and features INSPIRED by western rpgs and sandboxes like; games coming from Bioware, Troika, Black Isle, and Obsidian dev studios.

Some concepts and design objectives for balancing, gameplay and progression during development are;

-A "Narrative Tech Tree" progression system.

-"Flexibility Factor".

-Choice + Combination fuel Replayability.

-"Collectible Incentive".

-Exploration/Intel based "Quest Tracking".

-NonLinear Exploration drives Narrative.





These "design objectives" combined with and implemented, through the Open(expanding) World, Abundance of Content(+ Rewards), and only limiting player agency w/ difficulty.. This will bring you a dense new world to explore and a large amount of replayability, through multiple endings and milestone(faction-based) branches in the narrative, a variety of faction rewards, dynamic items, and various party member combinations.