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Is it wrong that I think Infected Veronica is kinda hot?

I'm guessing the way to get a d8 is to have the Goons reinforce you when you have all d6s, because the Shopkeep doesn't seek particularly interested in selling me anything more after I've gotten to straight d6s.

Did I miss a place in the interface to check it, or is there simply no method to check what your dice are right now other than just... remembering?


Nah, man, infected Veronica is totally hot.  Nothing wrong in acknowledging that. 

Now if you purposely choose not to cure her and let her die just so you can have her stay in that form, that would be pretty wrong.  


Arc’s wording is sometimes not the best.

You’re not the only one that interpreted the “You can now increase your dice to D8’s” as “You can get all D8s”.

I also was confused as to why Shopkeep didn’t want to sell more upgrades, but since I can peek under the hood I realised that you simply couldn’t, it wasn’t a bug.

I don’t think it would be difficult to implement something to show your dice in a corner of the stats menu.

I’ll muck around with a concept before poking Arc about it…

Are you into the infection or the clothes she’s wearing?

In my case is the second. I’m vibing with their war outfits.

Veronica’s feels a bit out of character, but eh.


It's the outfit AND the infection. It's kind of a stand-in for a tattooed girl that I'm realising is missing from the game, and I also kind of like intentional asymmetry in aesthetic. (Chastity hits that with her one-eye makeup deal.)


I do really enjoy asymmetry in design. The war was a perfect chance to indulge that :)


Maybe you have a thing for broken girls? You can fix her! ;)

And yes, sorry, the changelog seems to have confused more than a few people. I use English very precisely (habit from my old Tokyo EFL teaching days) so when I say "increase" I'm using it deliberately separately from "upgrade". It occurs to me that I should probably focus on clarity over precision, though! :P