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This is fun! I was waiting to play this until after the scoring update, but I couldn't really wait any longer, could I?

I love the idea of taking the VS game characters and giving them more fleshed out spell cards. More like this, please! You did a good job of capturing the feeling of Enoko's attacks, and you've generally got a good sense for balance and playability. Apart from the Ice Fang spell, there is nothing too spicy. The final spell is really fun.

Perhaps the game is a bit too accessible for my taste. It's hard to please everyone with just one difficulty level, but the game is short enough and has enough bombs for everyone to make it to the end almost no matter their performance, so I think you could have upped the difficulty slightly. Or even better: make the game longer, but I understand the limitations of a 3-day jam.

Since there are no special mechanics this time around, is it even possible to get two stars? Bombing gets you down to one star, same as just failing the spell by getting hit.

I love how polished the game looks. Some of it simply due to Danmokou being awesome, some of it due to you all being awesome.

Enoko <3


I know this reply is late, but thank you so much for playing my game! I always do look forward to how you'd receive it and I'm glad you enjoyed it.