Thank you for the very detailed feedback!
I do have a Sample rework planned for 0.3.7, so maybe I can solve two issues at once and add some kind of bonus to that based on having defeated a squad of enemies recently. Since I'll be fiddling with new menus in that update anyway, it'd also probably be a good time to take a second look at Check and add in some means to see the info of an already-scanned enemy.
Adding a "%" to the Action Meter when winding up would be a good idea, I'll probably have that in the next patch or update. Mouse support shouldn't be too hard either. Some new SE (maybe something a bit more low-key) is something I've considered for a while and I think next patch/update will be a great time to go ahead with it.
I'll give the old maps a look as well. What aspects in particular could use improvement?