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This game is not for romantics, it is about a selfish scumbag who blackmails and coerces the princess into degrading herself to show her body to him and do dirty things for him or he won’t lift a finger to save the town from monsters.

I mean, come on, we all have been frustrated to play games which make us save the princess and not feel appreciated by the princess because these games are “all public” and don’t dare to involve anything remotely sexual, but still, this is no reason for taking revenge on an innocent princess and treating her like a toy, I couldn’t enjoy playing this game because the hero disgusted me, he is selfish and would do anything to coerce girls into pleasuring him, even paying a shady character to draw even more monsters to the town just to make the princess desperate to save the town and blackmail her into sexually satisfying him for his help, I am a romantic and I really didn’t enjoy playing the role of such a dirty scumbag because sex means nothing if it is not offered on free will, coercion is merely disgusting because it is not shared pleasure, it is one-way selfish satisfaction! 😣

I hated the way the hero interacted with each of the 3 interactable girls, he endangered the town just to manipulate the princess into being desperate and give herself to him against her will, even when the princess eventually became consenting, he didn’t even assume his sexual activities with her in front of her royal guard in front of who he behaves like a pathetic coward, denying what he does with the princess instead of assuming it and answering "Yes, Selena and I have sex, and if you've got a problem with that then talk with her about it instead of lashing out on me because she is as involved as I am in our intimate activities.", and he corrupted the shop owner and turned her into a whore who strips for anyone for gold, the only girl that he didn’t corrupt is the nexus guardian who brought him into this magical world and that’s because she is much more powerful than him, in other words, this “hero” takes advantage of any girl’s vulnerability to dominate them and make them satisfy him, how am I supposed to enjoy being such a disgusting character? 😒

There is no skip button and therefore if you load a save and have to go through dialogues that you already read, you can’t skip them, you HAVE TO read them all again, I can’t believe that there are still creators who don’t include a skip button in their games! 😣

And the story is lame, you still don’t know anything about the antagonist after having defeated him and finished the game, he is just a random bad guy with no story at all, his only purpose in the story is to have tentacles and thrust them into every hole of the princess while you fight him. Oh, yes, because you HAVE TO watch your princess being defiled by your enemy in order to keep his tentacles busy during the boss fight, that's just wonderful to watch your woman being fucked by someone else, I bet this creator is into this bullshit netorare but I am not, I don't want to watch women with someone else, I am selfish when it comes to sharing women, it left me frustrated to watch MY princess being defiled by the bad guy. 😒

To sum it up, there is no actual story, only a lame excuse for sex in an isekai, actually I grow fed up of isekai, there are too many of them already and they become less and less original, the protagonist has an unlikable personality, he is selfish and inconsiderate, there is no actual character development beside the princess being trained to become more and more kinky but not in a romantic way, not because she wants to explore new experiences with her beloved, because the protagonist coerces her and trains her like a pet to satisfy his whims, and the shop girl being corrupted into becoming a whore, I still wonder how her father will react upon learning that since he departed, his daughter has added new shop services and has been stripping and giving footjobs for gold 😏, the combats are repetitive and tedious, I can't find any redeeming quality into this game, everything is bad about it, that's how it makes me feel anyway. 😟

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Sorry to hear that you didn't like the game. A lot of people actually did. The game is not meant to be romantic. Judging from your words, it looks like this genre is just not for you?

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Heh, I noticed already that you are not a romantic, your way of treating women disgusts me, let me explain:

At first, I thought it was funny that Selena looks like Zelda and she is shocked when the hero speaks because "the prophecy foretold of a silent hero who saves the kingdom and never speaks a word", just like Link in The Legend of Zelda, I understood the joke and I found it funny. 😏

But then, the hero started being selfish and creepy, blackmailing and coercing the princess to have his way with her, I hated it! 😣

It's a shame because as I said, we all have been frustrated to play games who make us brave countless dangers to save the princess and not get the girl in the end and you could have exploited this frustration to develop a funny story with your princess who you designed to look like Zelda and the hero who is a gamer who has already saved countless princesses and worlds in video-games and is fed up to never get the girl because these games are for "all public".

You could have made the first encounter between the hero and Selena go like this for example:

Selena: "Oh, noble hero of legends, you came in our time of need just as the prophecies foretold, you are going to battle the countless armies of bloodthirsty monsters all by yourself and save my kingdom alone while my guards stay safe in the city!"

Hero: "Wait what? Oh no, you don't, I played enough games to know where this is going and I'm not saving one more frigid princess if I don't get her in the end! If I risk my life to save your kingdom then you're going to reward me properly as a princess should reward her hero!"

Something like that instead of "Show me your tits or good luck saving your town without my help" which is not funny, it is merely creepy.

Intimacy is a reward which loses all meaning if it is coerced because it is no more a reward then if it is forced and therefore doesn't feel rewarding at all. 😒

You could have developed a growing intimate relationship between the princess and her hero in which the hero doesn't blackmail and coerce her, he would seduce her instead, asking for dates as incentives for his hard work and doing his best during these dates to conquer the princess' heart, that would feel so much more satisfying than coercing her like a rapist.

That is, if you actually bothered to offer an actual story with actual character development instead of your lame excuse of a "plot" to justify sexual adventures in an isekai where your characters have no depth at all because they are all mere generic characters, a gamer turned actual hero, a devoted princess, a tsundere royal guard, a greedy shop owner, a sort of goddess who watches over worlds, a shady merchant who sells shady services, a bad guy with tentacles, they are all unoriginal generic characters already overused and you didn't even bother to offer them an actual personal story, they are just here to fulfill their role and that's it, they have no depth at all, just like everything else in your empty "story".


Thanks for the detailed reply. First of all, let me make something clear: The way the characters behave and are treated in the game do not reflect my own opinions. It's just a fantasy game with a certain story and characters, and those two things should not be mistaken to be the same.

And secondly, like I've said, the game is not meant to be romantic, at all. Of course it could have been made and designed to be a romantic experience, sure, absolutely. However then other people would complain that this is not what they were looking for in that game.

To put it in other words: Thank you for your feedback, and I will think about incorporating a more romantic choice in future games. For this one however, you're just not the target audience I'm afraid.

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Thank you for your civilized answer but let me clarify something in my turn: YOU are the creator of YOUR story and therefore YOU choose how you make it, you can make anything you want and if your story is about a selfish scumbag almost rapist who coerces girls into sexually satisfying him then you made it this way because that is what you wanted to make, maybe you don't actually treat women like that but you at the very least fantasize about it because fictions are just that: fantasies from their creators, and therefore claiming that "your game doesn't reflect your own fantasies" is a blatant lie because you made it because you fantasized about it, simple as that. 😏

Observe your own words, you claimed that you didn't design and make a romantic experience because then some people would complain that this is not what they wanted, as if you merely wanted to satisfy people, however then, other people complain that this is not what they wanted, I mean that you chose which kind of people you wanted to satisfy, the people who share your interests, you didn't make a romantic story because you were not interested in that, you chose to make a coercion story because you were more into that, and you are right that I don't share your fantasies because I don't take any pleasure if my pleasure is not shared, I don't find selfishness to be enjoyable, I find it pathetic, forcing girls into giving themselves to you is pathetic because whatever they give you means nothing if they don't give it on their own free will, sex is not only about physical sensations, it is also about emotional involvement and this is why you failed so badly, because your sexual fantasies are only about physical sensations and lack emotional involvement, sex is gratifying because it is an achievement in shared trust, affinity, complicity and intimacy, it has to be deserved and earned to be the most enjoyable reward, coerced intimacy is worthless because it is meaningless.

Moreover you claimed that your game is just a certain story with characters when I already stated that there is no actual story, only a pretext for sexual fantasies, your characters have no depth at all, they are all generic characters with no actual personal story, only roles to fulfill without learning anything meaningful about them because there is nothing to learn about them, they are more like templates than actual characters, therefore no, it is not "just a certain story with characters", it is nothing more than an empty story designed only to pretend to justify sexual fantasies and that's it.


This discussion is going nowhere (and it's also the wrong place). You're looking for something this game just isn't meant to be, like buying a bike and complaining that it's not a car. You're interpreting way too much into a simple porn game. This game is not meant to feature a romantic setting or an extremely sophisticated story, it never was. If anything, one could argue that it should be better reflected and explained in the game description, but that's pretty much it. If you're looking for romantic stories, I suggest you look elsewhere.

And on a side note: saying that creators of stories, movies and games are automatically into everything that's happening in them is a very bold claim. In many roleplaying games you can choose to be the bad guy. That does in no way tell anything about the thoughts and feelings of the creators. Or what about murder stories? You really think the authors fantasize about murdering people?

Sure, I chose to explore the non-romantic topic in this fantasy game. I wanted to see how it works out (especially with sort of a small redemption arc), and I already had a target audience I could work with. That does in no way mean that I support such behavior in real-life.

To conclude, I appreciate your feedback and may incorporate more (good) choices in future games, though I can't promise anything - It's mainly a matter of development time and effort. Contrary to your beliefs, I don't develop games for mere fun. They are meant to generate some money in the end.

That's all I have to say about this topic. Since this is also the wrong place to lead such a discussion, this will be my final reply. Take care.


Hi, I just wanted to say that I was impressed by how you handled this situation. You are probably the most patient guy (or gal, or gender-nonconforming person) on the internet, lol. I literally created an account just to say this.


I know it's not my place to suggest this, but I had a suggestion. I was wondering what you would think about creating a demo version of some of your games. Some of them look very interesting, but I ever since I wasted $60 on Elden Ring (I suck at hard games), I have been reluctant to spend money on games whose quality I haven't been assured of, such as when a friend recommends them. Sadly, I am not really able to get my friends' input on porn games, for obvious reasons, lol. Anyway, so I think a demo version would be a nice way to preview the game for potential players like me, and could potentially draw in more players.

Sorry for the long comment,

- DarkenedStar