Thank you SO much for taking the time to play my game and also write such a detailed Feedback! <3
About the Camera: There are some weird issues. I've tried in Firefox/Chrome and it runs very fine but a friend of mine showed me a video where the Camera jumps extremely back and forth and it almost feels like an extreme form of Camera Shake. I have no idea what's happening there :( I hope I can reproduce and fix it one day.
About the controls: You're right. I usually move the mouse away from the Screen to play with controller/keyboard. Maybe I should only activate Mouse-Controls after the user clicked a button instead of having just moving the mouse activate the controls. Also interesting: While controller was working well in Firefox, for some reason, it didn't work for me in Chrome. :(
I understand the suggestion for Twin-Stick-Style Gameplay but I think I'll keep it simple and Survivors-Like. For me, focusing solely on position and not having to care too much about the shooting direction is sooo cool. I love it <3 But I will think about your suggestion regarding the firing frequency and the size of the mines (or how to improve visibility of the shippy).
Thanks again!