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Tricky game for sure !
You made some great UI with the possibility to skip the text faster etc. Which is pretty nice !
If I might suggest some improvements :
- Don't decrease fuel when it reaches zero. The game become harder, near impossible if you run out of fuel since even if you pick orbs it will not give you any fuel. Just a Max(0, currentFuel) would be enough.
- Make the camera zoom out a bit when navigating. This will allow to plan a bit more when using spaceship controls.

I actually managed to finish your game and got 385 "points". Not sure if it's good or not :P

Good job !


The fuel issue is a bug, it didn't happen to me while testing and im sorry to hear it affected your experience, thanks for the feedback. With your score, 385 is a great high score, i managed to get 800 something once, it also tracks low scores for speed runs