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(1 edit) (+2)(-13)

Dude Unity had nothing to do with you not putting out any of the update you said were coming, since SPRING.  And not wanting to put out buggy builds?  That's what an Alpha is. And despite all the other updates, after7 months we're getting model improvements.

(2 edits) (+10)(-2)

Trust me, going that route would've been a major mistake with the major overhaul systems that are interconnected. Setting unrealistic expectationing based on something that said in spring and later recanted when I got knee deep in completely rework the ai, sound engine and all the interaction systems is just silly and waiting till the end of the year to really see things put togther is hardly a stretch especially when it comes to game development. 

Additionally, burning out a very small hobbyist team to rush stuff out while during a transition phase is always a horrible mistake and taking this route allowed me to collaborate much more with them then usual. I"ve made this mistake before and I am not doing it again even if it does upset a few people waiting patiently on the updates 

There is far more going on then just updates to the model and graphical pipeline especially with the art and sound but it's best people understand that we have our eyes set to december now for the big jump to alpha 2.  And again, doing a gameplay focus release each month before the systems were in would've ended up as a disaster.


Trust? So you're already rolling back that the "October update" from your last post and now this update isn't even getting the alpha 2 models according to this post? You're preemptively dropping a load of nothing on us.  Like ya asked people to hand you money and we're going to see a whole lot of nothing for it but excuses.

(1 edit) (+9)(-2)

Why the toxicity over the transition to late alpha/early beta? That process always takes a good bit of time. The new models, graphical pipeline with additional optmizations and the new shaders are a big deal and they are in the halloween build. I am not going to bite off more then I can chew to the point where we have to fargo a xmas update.

Kinda feel like a broken record here but rushing all the maps, sound and existing objects over to the alpha 2 codebase would just be silly at this point and I can't really get behind why that's a hard concept to grasp. 

I really hate generating unearned hype so I decided to stay silent on a lot of things. And I didn't even state that I got the fmod sound engine fully working on the alpha 2 codebase on fmod  which also need its good share of porting and tweaking to make it worthwhile.


How about cause it's been a year and the only thing you've released is an single updated game test room?  I wouldn't call it rushing anything and just pretending to dangle a carrot the entire time.  You're still trying to dangle that carrot like everyone is supposed to believe an Xmas update is gonna come with your track record.   You even said you had a build ready to put out in may, but you didn't want to release it cause you'd be away at work, then never release it still.

Dude I never had an expectation of you to actually finish the "mess around fetish game in unity"  I was though at least expecting a couple updates down the road to have something to mess around with till the project eventually gets cancelled, like the other ones.  And yes I'm angry because I'm not even seeing those, and all of a sudden you want to try to pull the UNITY card, like that in anyway effected the past Development of the game, and even the future Development with how small a project this is.

Like I said, what happened to the may update you didn't put out cause hell, SOMETHING is better then nothing.


Honestly I would say don't worry much about the graphical or texture in the game you have one of the best looking games out there! I would say focus on content.  maybe an animation if you get caught.  A few sunk some money to see this project succeed and the last post makes it seem like not much has been done. try to showcase your new 3 cultists or the differences of the old models. It has been 5 months. Sept 12 unity so I can see a hiatus there and honestly we all get a bit lazy to so lay off Hogde a bit Evecharm. we counting on you hodge your game looks promising we hope to see more and more content.

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Nah not gonna lay off cause it feels like this game is a dead project but the dev doesn't want to say it's dead.  We're getting what they said all the way back in February what was being worked on, Literally is in the post that it's going to be another test stage with what? Added shadows to the models?  Like it's been a year, They collected money for this and a artpack they stopped updating, and it looks like Zero progress.


The idea is to now focus on gameplay now that we locked down the new version of the models and a lot of the ground works for the new codebase. I am more of the kind of guy that likes to under promising and over delivering because I can't stand it when creators promise the world for the clout points.

So far there are 3 small  additional test stages for exploration with a 4th that needs a few touch ups, 3 new cultist and a guest character and a expanded showcase room. There has been quite a bit of abdl prop work but I am probably best of waiting till 1.5 to include that with the fixes from the halloween build. The plan is still to make the alpha 2 codebase jump at the end of the year.

Halloween 2023 will be alpha 1.4. I ended up not compiling & releasing 1.2 & 1.3 because it seriously eats up an entire weekend and I can't imagine slipping what I wanted to do this Halloween. To do the polish and sit through the insanely long compilation times that often needs to be done several times to release something acceptable. 

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Well you did promise the 1.2 and 1.3 updates, which would have been nice for the people that BOUGHT ALPHA ACCESS TO THE GAME.  Well let's see 3 additional finished small stages, a 4th one that needs touch ups, on top of the showcase room tomorrow.

Also frankly, who cares if it's "Gonna take a week to compile"   It would have been at least SOMETHING to give to people, and make people actually believe you're actually doing anything after asking people for money to help finish the game.


Going to have to be blunt here, but you creating falsehoods over previous stated goals  and this level entitlement is seriously off-putting and I would let it slide, but it got to the point where I have been getting pokes from others that you are getting under their skin and I have had to stop working on multiple occasions to state which seems to be obvious for everyone except you and  I really don't get why you are trying to appeal to my laid back player base that has more realistic expectations. 

I have stated on many different occasions that I always prioritize releasing my game dev work at the end of the year and although I do try to release stuff during the spring and summer. It's never been a real issue from my small following so I have never prioritized it and focused on the long-term rather then generating clout.

I always appreciate someone giving an alterative viewpoint but enough is enough. Pettiness like this is the reason why I try to distance myself from some of the unhinged individuals you often find online. Take some time to cool down while I work on some stuff. 

I do appreciate everyone else being really cool about this update. I'm going to try to keep the Halloween release a manageable download size  since I don't want it bloated like it was last year. I also haven't made the mistake of burning myself out this year so expect a hotfix with the