These types of games always freak me out so I'm sorry to say I couldn't finish it all, but I got halfway on the notes. That was pretty spooky, the Darkwood inspiration feels pretty clear here. Having the narrative split across the various notes forces you to get out of your comfort zone to find out what's going on. I was always worried about something coming up behind me. The only thing that messed me up while playing is that I didn't catch on to the fact that you drop the bait whenever you interact with things- I kept thinking "Wow, why the heck do these people have bait under all these notes?" But yeah overall, it's very spoopy and a pretty well-thought-out of spreading the narrative across the entire game. Good job!
Edit: I only remembered this after the fact, but if you want to freak people out a bit more, a blinking mechanic that makes your screen go black every so often would really mess with people. ;)