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That’s f*cking amazing especially considering the time frame. The textures, models, level design and lighting are all pages of a love letter to boomer shooters written in blood and and the gunplay is crunchier than the bottom of a mass grave. Loved the music too.

At first I found the starting map a little too dark and I was trying to reach for a flashlight… turned out that the double shotguns are the flashlight :)

I hope you feel proud, because you really should.

Honestly, I didn't expect to get so much positive feedback!
Gratefully THANK YOU very much!
A little background story about the map: it was the 4th one I worked on (the others I deleted because they were broken) and I didn't have nearly enough time to finish (then there were only two hours left from the gamejam when I started working on it). The light bake kept breaking, so I had to delete a lot of light sources right before the finish (and the light map still contains anomalies).

Basically, the darkness on the map is not entirely intended, but I'm really glad you liked it! Thanks a lot! ;)