I recorded my fumbling through the demo with no commentary: https://youtu.be/CGyQlFNwSxo
I already beat the tutorial before recording so some stuff is missing from this, but I'm doing it again.
During that tutorial mission where you're taught Z and X key, I have no idea what this does. I tried to figure it out before recording and I just gave up.
The AI team behavior are very impressive, how they position themselves for opening doors and how they clear the area.
The mission briefings are well written and are fun to read.
The characters sprites and movement look cool. There also a bit of Counter Strike 2D nostalgia vibe.
I'm more of a beat my head against the wall until it breaks kind of guy so I completely forgot you can customize your team and load out.
Overall I feel like I don't know how to play properly. I know the mechanics, but not how to use them.
For example C4, I don't know what to use it for. Or how to throw grenades with team mates safely and accurately.