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A member registered Jan 06, 2023

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(1 edit)

Nice progress since I played it last time. I got to day 15. Found some stairs, and a furnace. Not sure if they're supposed to do something? I assumed they're work in progress.

I encountered only 1 bug: when I picked up watered hedge and refunded it I did not regain material resource, I only regained water.

Interacting with the garden during the night feels like something you shouldn't be able to do. I tried to push back husks, but instead I unwatered a plant. Then I had to maneuver around the husks to water the dry spot again.

The game feels too easy. My tactic, which I came up on 2nd night, was to push husks until I run out of sanity, then close the door. Repeat when they tear it down. There's enough doors to repeat this move until the morning comes. Health and sanity seemed balanced, it's just too ease to hide.

I'm amazed at how this game defies common sense in favor of playability. When I first used the auto water function, I had too many crops, and the ones I didn't want got watered. Being able to suck water back was a very pleasant surprise.

I feel like water springs should require bringing them to base and integrating them with your water system to be usable. I'm not sure how that should be done exactly, it's just the vibe I get based on how things seem to work in the world. Like "*yoink* this water is mine now!", instead of just unlocking it by touching.

Shotgun feels very cool. Vaporizing horde of husks in front of you feels really good.

(3 edits)

The resolution I wanted was not visible, so I tried to scroll down the list, but instead whole settings menu scrolled down, revealing only empty space.

The hammer tool, allows for breaking elements, but it only destroys the element type we currently have in hand AND element in hand needs to match rotation with the element we're trying to destroy. Mega confusing. Would be better if it worked like maul, just point and instant destroy without any criteria.

The building system is little wonky when it comes to precision of placing elements, but it has great features.
Undo and prefab system should be mandatory in every game that has building, but this is the first time I've seen a game have them.

It's nice that you can just grow plants without getting into soil composition autism.

Seeing town's people going somewhere feels really nice. I'm working in the field and when I see someone it feels natural to just walk up to them and greet them, even if they don't have much to say currently.

I don't really know what to say beside that. The game is too big to write every good thing and pointing out some minor problems feels dumb when major stuff is being developed. What I wrote is just things I felt strongest about.

Though I have one question:
Will the whole world be open from the start, or will it be divided into unlockable parts? It just seems weird to have so much open space and places to go to when you're just starting.

Overall good job to you guys.

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Very cute character, nice girl and bat model and texturing.

The coloring of everything is pretty good. The red and grayscale work together well. Not sure about the blue though.

Blue is not bad, but I think it's not equal to other colors, like there's not enough blue things to justify it with only the orb and small echo location waves.

Maybe guys who are behind buildings should be blue and not red to signify they're visible through echolocation?

Initially steering feels bad, but after figuring it out it's pretty rewarding.
The instinct is to keep pressing spacebar to brute force the trajectory of flight, but it's more like a space rocket (with some steering with gliding), where you pick a direction and then wait for the right moment to flap but only apply as little force as necessary.

There's a clamp on looking down, but not on looking up - you can do a glitchy flip.

Are waves different or it repeating?

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I played until meeting Veteran in the sewers.

Only thing that felt wrong up to that point, was the sprite of veteran guy. It's unreadable with his back toward camera. Until I talked to him I didn't know what exactly I'm looking at.

I think he should look at the camera, so it's clear that he's human character, and only turn his back to us upon triggering conversation.

Controls work without problems, visuals look cool, music and sfx sounds great, and writing is such that I want learn what is going on with this fucked up setting and talk with NPCs to read what they have to say.

Dunno if I'll continue because I don't like Pokemon combat, but I'm tempted to bite the bullet because everything beside fighting is super.

You said the demo is pretty long, what % of the full game does it cover?

Bug when opening settings, it seems multiple tabs are on top of each other.

To reproduce it I needed to toggle full screen. It also caused a second bug...

Full screen toggle seems to be reversed. on = window mode, off = full screen

Even if you turn nsfw off there's still naked boobs.

Skip button is necessary, seeing dialogue again after dying is agonizing.

Either Heavy weapon is OP or other weapons are weak. Reaching 2nd stage of the final boss took ages with other weapons, but when I got heavy weapon the boss got annihilated in like a minute.

There's no fine control. Slowing time should make movement slower.

Purple laser shot by duck-plane enemies are hard to see.

Overall very impressive.

The gameplay it pretty fun so far. I was compelled to beat the level.

Obviously the sprites are very nice. What really makes it stands out are unique small things that exist only for the sake of comedy or just looking cool like when enemy soldier hits the screen or different scenes showing the base in main menu. Stuff that's not just constantly repeating with the gameplay loop.

The voiced lines surprised me, but they are a very good addition, very fitting for this genre. This is an action game, not reading game.

In the screen there's map generation bug I found.

Cool that you can control camera in minigames now.

I wonder if the 1st map is too hard? All the times combined I played OAB (with previous DDs) probably amounts to about 3-4 hours and I defeated the 1st boss only 2 times so far. I don't mind this, but I fear it could be a filter for a new player getting hooked. This is can only be determined by a sum of multiple people's experience, so that's just my hunch.

Nice to see there's more assets for enemies and pickups, and improvements  like health bar looking better now. The polish is increasing. Can't wait to see more.

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Very good roguelike, the gameplay, graphics and sound really work together.

None of the symbol or items feel useless. There's a lot of potential for coming up with builds around particular colors, symbols and items.

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  • Pachinko is good. It could have some way to look down. Because now when you open it, camera moves up too fast to notice all rewards, and I have to wait for it to go down again.
  • Space Invaders is good as it is. The only thing it needs is proper visuals.
  • Pinball is noob hostile. Because camera is moving it's hard to estimate when to use the paddles. On top of that paddles seem to have a reaction lag (or that's just time they need to get up, but it feels like a lag).

    I think playing OAB normally the learning curve for pinball is too steep, and it requires you to spend resources on top of that to even practice, this makes pinball feel unfair. When playing previous demo I simply abandoned pinball machine, because it felt like I won't win anything and I can't even practice it.

    This demo I discovered that hitting the ball is actually not impossible, but to learn it I had to specifically start new games over and over just to go to pinball machines and keep trying until I finally managed to hit the ball with a paddle.
  • Only bug I noticed:
    Fork item references "Spiky" status, but does not offer tooltip for what "Spiky" does, like other items and symbols do
  • Other than that the game is great. I love the music, sound effects, style, gameplay and overall vibe.
  • Minigames disappearing is a good decision.
  • The new intro is cool and has a lot of character.
  • I didn't beat 1st stage yet, but if the rest are as good then I'd buy it on release.
(1 edit)

The voiced tutorial is a very good thing. Although I think it goes too fast. I didn't have the time to try out things voice was talking about. Maybe have an info graphic displaying all the keys after voice is done talking, when the player can freely try out the controls.

In forest map some obstacles had breakable box texture. This is very confusing.

In general I don't think any obstacle should look even similar to any type of the box, crate or whatever.

Also some obstacles are very short and it  feels like I should be able to jump over/on them, but I can't. Example table in office.

Office layout is annoying and confusing. There were multiple times when I ran into dead ends, and fish was behind the wall.

There should be more people to drop kick. If you drop kick the guy, and you're unlucky you might not stumble upon the next one leaving you without any more turbo for the rest of the round. And focusing on searching them doesn't feel right when under a time pressure.

Collecting fish or points didn't feel engaging to me at all. Most fun I had when time was running out and I desperately tried to find remaining boxes to prolong my time.

As in I was collecting the fish, because I guess this is what I was tasked with, but not running out of time felt like a more real goal.

Here's recorded gameplay:

First 4 minutes is me fumbling with a bug where you permanently hold a wall.
To reproduce it you have to select empty inventory slot, while holding a wall.

The sprites and animations are very nice and consistent. I like the gloomy vibe.

There's a lot of things that are cooler than normal things. I don't know how else to describe it:
growing stones, reloading axe, stacking items in hand. It just feels better than doing it more realistic way, like picking stone from the ground or going to work bench to repair your tools.

You can spam sleep to get a lot of water. This is probably a bug.

I didn't know there was any objective, because I didn't read your post here. But I enjoyed the grind of farming->cutting trees->sleep any way.

This is seems really promising.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing, feedback and some very good ideas.

>You need to add a frame limit so the game doesn't run at hundreds or thousand of frames per second and cause GPUs to overheat.

Thanks for telling me this because I turned it off because I didn't understand why there's a limit lol.

Thanks for feedback and gameplay recording.

>One issue I had was, that when descending the water appeared so fast, I'd end up diving and dying. Some "Warning: Pull up" indicator would be nice.

Yeah this is a big problem. I think I'll add some sort of indicator, because I tried to wrangle camera to remedy this, but the effect was bad.

>wished for a shock-combo by shooting projectiles with the laser

This is could be cool, I'll see how that could work.

>Also I'd prefer if the gravity didn't act so linearly, you can't really do cool stall dodging

Can you explain what you mean by linearly? And what is stall dodging exactly? Gliding?

Thanks for playing and feedback.

I recorded my fumbling through the demo with no commentary:

I already beat the tutorial before recording so some stuff is missing from this, but I'm doing it again. 

During that tutorial mission where you're taught Z and X key, I have no idea what this does. I tried to figure it out before recording and I just gave up.

The AI team behavior are very impressive, how they position themselves for opening doors and how they clear the area.

The mission briefings are well written and are fun to read.

The characters sprites and movement look cool. There also a bit of Counter Strike 2D nostalgia vibe.

I'm more of a beat my head against the wall until it breaks kind of guy so I completely forgot you can customize your team and load out.

Overall I feel like I don't know how to play properly. I know the mechanics, but not how to use them.

For example C4, I don't know what to use it for. Or how to throw grenades with team mates safely and accurately.

The concept is very captivating, I immediately wanted to try it when I first saw it in the therad.
I got mud rank at about 500 seconds, after 3 tries.

The targeting is very noob hostile. When you get used to hotkeys it's fine, but when you're still starting it's more natural to click everything with mouse. This caused me to constantly use spells on wrong targets because my mouse hovered over tiny bit of another character's name plate.

The fact you can't select enemy using mouse is very counter intuitive.

I think player should have health orb , not name plate like rest of characters.. Obviously there are 4 name plates for 4 characters, but having a mana orb without health orbs made me think player is immune to damage or something.

I tried to beat the mission 2 times, but I couldn't do it. I won't say anything about combat because I don't understand it, but I also don't like these types of games so my feedback has little use.

The only thing I'd mention is confusion when commanding units. I don't understand how to make them attack. It seems like units can shoot while standing still or moving, but what cause the units to shoot? I have no idea.

Unit visibility - my recon vehicle was getting close to an enemy tank but it kept appearing and disappearing without any obvious reason why. The terrain was clear, without any trees.

The visuals are very nice and readable. Position of units, different terrain types it's all clear to see and understand. The aesthetic is a bit weird though, the shading + UI style made me feel like I'm playing city skylines and not a war game.

(3 edits)

>What are you going to do to differentiate your game from luftrausers?

I want a gameplay run session to be longer and have more variety to it, and add more meta-progression like unlocks and achievements to pad out the game time.

 I was thinking of adding upgrades like in roguelites, but I don't think "numbers go up" upgrades work really well for this type of game to the point of shooting million bullets per second. But on the other hand too small of a change wouldn't feel satisfying.
Jet Lancer and Hyperspace Dogfights already have this and I felt the change to gameplay is too small. To me it feels boring to get these "upgrades" between waves (also you often get pointless upgrades that work for stuff you don't have).

I want to have a some big change that flips the gameplay by 45 degrees and requires player to adjust, like having to switch weapons between waves or changing enemy types to require different movement patter or something.

But who know, I don't really have a precise vission. My dev plan is to first get close to a Luftrausers-like that feels cool to fly and shoot and then deviate from there and experiment looking for stuff that works.

My final goal in my mind looks more like a Hyperspace Dogfights (but better) rather than Luftrausers.

Thanks for playing!
Shooting stops health regen.
So either A) you were shooting non stop and didn't notice there's regen at all, B) didn't get hit, or C) it's simply not as self-evident as I thought.

The setting is very unique and instantly draws attention.

It's confusing what's happening at the start, but since all I could do was press Spacebar I just let RNGesus take wheel and tried to learn. The game felt extremely unfair initially without understanding how to build a good symbol collection, it felt like my choices didn't matter, I had fail rolls often, low damage and enemies stronger than dice creatures packed a serious punch.
But the game is actually very easy to navigate and read after I got over the initial hurdle.

I defeated the Leprehaun with green+blue build, stacking block and retaliation with a lot of healing symbols and a bit of poison.

When I started understanding things a little better, I noticed I developed a superstition of trying to "plan" things in combat, even though that's not how it works. I was playing scenarios in my mind: "Yes excellent, now if only I'd roll mojito, the poison will finish him on his turn and I'll be healed".

That's why I disagree with Wierdox about slots about automatic. Having to pull the lever yourself in your own time is the quintessential to gambling experience even though your input has no bearing on the output.
And beside that, it gives you time to read enemy goals and understand situation better.
Maybe it could be an option in settings, but it should definitely be off by default.

The pinball minigame needs to have a fixed camera. It's annoying to not see paddles you're supposed to control.

Overall I think semi-random minigames are a very fun idea and I wished there were more of them.

Discovering Tourist is actually dangerous was very funny.

Yellow symbols beside the money shield, felt weak and I didn't want to use them.

Instant easy restart after death is so good. For some reason many games don't understand this.

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Brutal cliffhanger with Peter. Now I'm hooked.

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Intro is kino.

Status effects don't have an explanation or I missed it. I see an icon but I have no idea what it does unless it has a very obvious effect. Like the desert status effect deals damage when you do an action, but what does the water drop status effect do? I have no idea despite seeing it many times.

Bug: I was fighting in a hill area where you have random chance to get mana. My character reached the middle and so I clicked on skill button, but I didn't have enough mana to use a skill so it was marked red. But then I got the random mana bonus, and even when I closed and opened skill menu again, the skill was still marked as red even though I had enough mana to use it. It was usable it was only a visual error.

Bug: When at home, having "Auto" turned ON opens dialogue on it's own automatically again even after closing the dialogue.

First stage goon enemies look pretty boring, but later enemies from Ruins and Desert look pretty interesting and unique, like the dog with golden face, goat centaur or desert soldier. Player characters have a memorable design and are very likeable. Their portraits look cool - this is one of the main reasons I remembered to play this game when I saw them some time ago.

Good story/gameplay balance. Currently I'm right after defeating Finegann's look alike boss, and so far I never felt a need to fast-forward any of the dialogues. Every conversation felt the right length and told me something new about the world or the characters. Characters felt connected to the world and to each other. Makes me want to play this later to see what's next.

I'm not sure what to think about the gameplay yet. Initially it's pretty hard. Especially the first boss, but later on with upgrades I have found a tactic that seems to work every time no matter if it's a boss battle or ordinary enemy team. I fear this might become repetitive.

Often I'm confused about what enemies do. some of their actions are obvious like, this guy deals a lot of damage, this guy can protect their allies and this guy has life steal and so on. But some actions I have no idea what they do. For example goon enemy uses an ability with a circle/square effect (don't remember which) and I have no idea what happened.

The music is very good. Especially in combat. The piano during rest is a feels heavy but in a fitting way, since characters and stuck in purgatory even peace time is part of being imprisoned.

Restarting the level after death is very confusing. I nearly started a new game after dying on level 2 before accidentally restarting the mission with "E" key (I think?).

Visually it looks very fun and inviting. It's one of the few games that make me interested in playing without even reading what the game is solely on visuals alone. The textures, water splashes, even terrain feel well done. Seeing alternative portraits after dying feels like a very pleasant surprise addition.

It feels like collision for player bullets is too big. I guess it is so aiming is easier, but when trying to shoot close to the walls/terrain I though I had a clear shot, but I wasn't so. It's very annoying when it forced me to go out into the open space and put myself in danger, when I though I could snipe something from behind an obstacle.

After destroying the factory it kept spawning the enemies while exploding. Felt annoying when I cleared everyone around, destroyed the factory and still had to be on my guard when it seems the place should be safe.

Torpedoes seem kinda weak. I didn't feel like using them at all.

I reached mission 3 and after dying a few times I lost the drive to continue, because it felt tedious to repeat parts of the mission for the sake of small reward. By that I mean missions felt samey. I felt like even if I reached mission 4 I'd again use same weapons, fight same enemies, see same environments.

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Enemies who look like squares rotated by 45 degrees, are very confusing, they make you question whether "that square" is a drop or a mob making it harder to decide whether a position is safe or not
I know they're probably temporary sprites, but they really should look like something else even as WiP, especially the tiny ones.

In menu where you pick next stage, when picking the buff symbol (dunno what it's called) it lacks some sort of confirmation. There were many times when I clicked it, and then waited 1 second before realizing "oh I need to pick the next stage now".
There's nothing to indicate that something happened, like a sound or whatever, initially I thought it's a bug that locks the game, because I thought the stage is not loading.

Getting new guns feels really exciting because there's so much variety.

I think enemy bullets should disappear after killing all enemies. Getting killed after finishing the level would be very frustrating, and I feel like it doesn't add anything to the game. The possibility of surviving by the skin of your teeth, because you killed last monster 0.1s before the bullet hit you is much more interesting.

Really appreciate little details like, horned guys having unhappy faces when getting hit, old blood changing color or the satisfying vibration of high hp mobs when you're frying them with a laser.

When you press Tab to see info about your gun, and pick next stage and get level up window - the info about a gun obscures upgrades and you can't turn it off with a Tab.

The way everything is animated and stylized is very joyful and funny. There's a lot of freshness in the feeling of this game.

Because mobs run away so quickly and hide so well, it would probably be better if the kill count was not there, but I feel like it must be there, otherwise the game would feel a little to aimless. But when not caring about hunting every last mob and just wandering around, exploring and shooting for fun the game feels best, as opposed to going for high score.
Otherwise if you plan to develop this further what instnceDstry said about smaller spaces designed to easier clean up sound better.

Good sense for quality of life features, like in that hand room, I noticed bullets go through walls. I thought this is really neat decision.

Menus are hard to read because important and non-important elements look equally pronounced.

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Combat, shops, crew managment look pretty advanced and seem to work well, but the game feels confusing and unresponsive. The biggest problem is some things feel unresponsive or there's little info.

  • "Shift for more info" should be on by default, instead of pressing key.
  • Lack of indication where the weapon on auto-attack is aiming.
  • When weapons hits, it feels like nothing is happening. There's no punch. I see the laser but did it do anything? Only when I look at health bar do I see that yes, it did something. Explosion, damage number or something would make it more clear that weapons actually have effect.
  • No indication whether enemy system is destroyed or damaged.
  • I think some icons are not clear what they represent.
    • Teleporter power - lightning bolt doesn't fit here at all
    • Teleporter button - I thought it's some sort of biological blob icon at first.
  •  Inconsistency in icons. Icon for a particular thing should be the same no matter where it is. For example: oxygen is bubbles in power menu, but O2 in ship room and oxygen % display.
  • Unused energy bars are too small. It's hard to estimate how much there is with a quick glance.
  • When adding or taking away power you have aim at upgraded power slots. This should work even when clicking on unupgraded slots.

Thanks for feedback.
Vector art look idea sounds interesting. I'll see how it looks.

OKAY, I get it now. I actually didn't fix the difficulty bug, not fully.
The difficulty level consists of 2 things.

  1. list of possible enemies that can spawn
  2. and simple spawn multiplier

I fixed 1. the resetting of the list (so the shooter enemies don't appear for example at 0:00 second), but 2. the multiplier still persisted between runs which resulted in there being too many enemies.

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Non-concrete answers suck

Nah, it's more clear now. Your answers are concrete.
Also I don't expect people to just give me solutions, it's my job really to figure out the meaning behind feedback.
This reminds me of this clip about interpreting feedback:

My confusion was with word "precise", because I myself have problem with precision of the beam weapon. So I wanted to make sure if this is the same thing or something else.

This exchange is really good lesson that it really is on the gamedev to figure out meaning behind feedback.

  • I just checked and I did fix the bug with difficulty.
  • But you say you feel like the bug is still there.
  • I know you played the fixed version (from download analytics).

So the question for me to figure out is: why does it feel like the bug is still there? what's the REAL problem with difficulty?

Thanks for clarifying.

Thanks for the feedback.

Movement isn't nearly precise

By that you mean aiming and rotation?

difficulty didn't seem to reset

Did this happen in v02? I thought I fixed it.

I'm filtered.
The difficulty curve is harsh. Reaching first check point is a challenging not only because it's hard to jump up there, you can easily die in the process.

(2 edits)

I can't offer any critique due to ESL, plus I don't usually play VNs. But I enjoyed this and played it till the ending. The characters are very likeable and Catholicism being big part of setting feels very fresh and it's interesting to me when MC is considering or discussing it.
Sound design is good, it felt like ASMR.

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Skipping the things others said already - on first encounter, when I used Spin exactly on the current position of the Frog the game bugged out. The Frog froze in place, didn't make attack and game became stuck.
Also it needs health bar or something.

The graphical style and animations are going in the right direction. They're very nice and playful and a little bit mysterious.
Boss attack being just fill bucket red feels out of place, it should be something different that fits with the rest.
That turn to stone moment was pure kino.

Do you have idea for what type of gameplay you want for this?
To me it feels like it's suited to be a puzzle game, where you figure out proper positioning and order of attacks. Like for example "figure out how to end this fight in 3 moves or enemies kill you". Each encounter being a unique puzzle.
There are elements of that in the boss fight already where at first you just react to boss making attacks, but then when you figure out the blinds spots and safe spots where you can compensate with heal.

This is very promising and I enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing it on stream.

Thanks for the feedback.

Restarting doesn't reset the difficulty.

Especially this one would be hard for me to notice on my own.