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Notes from gameplay:

- Pretty splash image, nice main menu animation, nice title with the flame over the t

- Good pixelated font choice - conveys the vibe but easy to read. Bit harder to read against the white background versus the black

- Max screen isn't centering, game is off to the left

- Options selection isn't selectable?

- Great writing in the intro letter

- Spooky background sound, very atmospheric, but wish there was some music

- Nice border around the narration text

- I like the candle mechanic for increasing view radius

- Would be nice to have some indicator for interactive elements

- Art for combat screen is great, wonderful pixel art and I love the floating black dots, gives me the vibe of an old film reel. Shadow monsters are great!

- Combat is confusing - I'm unsure if I'm doing anything and if I won or lost

- Oh, I hear music now. Must have been quiet at start of loop?

- I like how the circle of vision gets smaller and the light more dim as my candle burns down! But where do I get another candle? The drawer I got the first one from doesn't seem to be interactable anymore.

- Heard a cat meow but all I encountered was a shadow monster

- Can't figure out where to go or what to do, all the doors seem to be locked or jammed

- Oh, now the fridge has a key? First time I checked there was no secondary text message. No clear indication that I should have returned here. I guess that's what the meow was for?

- Combat hint about maximum potential - is max at the center or the far right? The white concentrated in the center makes it seem like that's where the max is

- Good hint about the odd shape in the chest lid and the cat bed being in that room, nice breadcrumb to lead me back there to solve that puzzle

- Nice personalization to Blaire via the stutter

- Can't seem to get to far right of the bedroom with Blaire, bed/chair is blocking navigation

- Message about unlocking dining room keeps appearing when trying to navigate to it after it's unlocked

- If combat starts while a message is displayed, it will repeatedly display over the combat UI, clicking e to make it go away will also make combat selections

- Hit a game over, unsure why

- Can't move once I'm in dining room - I think progression might be blocked at this point? 

Overall, what a wonderful spooky vibe! I loved the artwork, sound and writing and think this would be great fun to play as a full game! Excellent work and looking forward to a finished version if you continue development on this!


Thank you so much for your feedback and notes! We're glad it resonated well with you, and the dining/living room were basically the end of the demo, so it sounds like you did nearly everything there was to do! We definitely are currently working on a full version, and a lot of the issues you mentioned have already had improvements made. Except combat - we're still trying to figure out the best way to make it fun and intuitive! 🦊


I've added this to my collection and am following you - looking forward to a full game eventually!