I really love the creativity involved with this game and think that it has a lot of potential. I also do think that the game does increase with difficulty as it goes in. I love that while playing, your past self actually gets in the way of you completing the mission and the end goal of winning. I think that the current character design and story is really great and I can see potential for even more in a full game.
- I think one main point that I would have liked to see is more creative bosses to capture. Capturing the same spider over and over again gets a little old after a while. I do understand that it would be difficult to make multiple character sheets and sprites but I personally would have preferred a few levels and then waited for more content.
- With moving the fly with the Dpad, I could really see that this game could use the crank to move and could even have more fun with it too! For example if you really wanted to push your past self out of the way you could crank faster to do so.
- For a full game with multiple enemies to capture it would be cool to have a scrap book of all the bugs you've captured. This would be great so that you could look back at all the excellent storytelling you did with the case files!
- It would be nice to have a "Restart" button on the menu screen. And also a button that could be used to return to the top menu of the game.
- If there are multiple levels in the next game it could be nice to have a level select on the menu for the game.
Again, you have a wonderful little game that has great artwork and story. I can see this game getting a lot more polish and fun content. Thank you for your submission!