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To clarify the environment variable fix, what you should need to do is:

  1. Get an API key
    1. Go to the itch settings page for API keys
    2. Click "Generate new API key" -> A new row in the table will appear with source "web"
    3. Click "View" on this row
    4. Copy the revealed value
  2. Open a mac terminal
  3. In the terminal, run `export BUTLER_API_KEY=abc123` with "abc123" replaced with the copied key from step 1 -> this will temporarily set an environment variable
  4. From the same terminal, run the gui-butler application (I think on mac this is just `open app-name-or-filepath`)
  5. Click "login" -> the app should now show your games

The reason this is necessary is that on mac, the underlying butler command-line tool is refusing to communicate with the GUI app for the interactive login process, and providing an API key directly allows you to skip the typical login process. If the fix works for you, you can try setting up the environment variable in a more permanent way so you don't have to remember to do it manually (e.g. using a simple shortcut script or the system environment variables for your OS).

RE running the butler commands directly from command-line: You shouldn't need to do this to use the app, and I can't help debug it much since it's just the first party tool provided by itch, but if you're having trouble running it at all you could:

  • try running `butler --version` and make sure you're on latest
  • if you're not on the latest version, try running `butler upgrade`
  • try running `butler diag` to make sure your device is able to connect to the necessary APIs