Notes from gameplay:
- Nice range of menu options!
- Light reflecting in water looks nice
- Good use of footstep audio
- Font choice could be punched up a notch, feels "default"
- Pretty scenery! Very detailed and striking.
- Nice voice acting
- Ooh, creepy figure laughed and ran away, nice effect with the red eyes
- Good tutorial elements - chasing the figure and then crouching past the obstacle
- Flame physics are a bit wonky, especially when turning
- Lighting on tombs seems to be making textures flicker in and out
- I like being able to light torches! Helps with visuals and feels like it'll be a good way to keep track of where I've been. Visual effect looks great!
- Somehow I just got teleported from coffin section into catacombs? If there was a visual effect or sound explaining why, I seem to have missed it
- Ah, I see, it's the red-eyed girl jumping out at me. I guess I have to avoid her?
- Ah I need to turn the lighter off (useful tip, would be more helpful if I didn't have to die so many times to see it heh). Typo here, it reads "turing"
- Who is "that english bitch" the french guy mentioned? The ghost seems to have an American accent
- Ok, definitely don't listen to the ghost. Keep the lighter off... Would be nice if there was some cue here to let me know when it's safe to turn it back on. I seem to have triggered the same "look at me" sequence multiple times
- Seem to be missing something here, can't figure out where to go
- Ok, made some progress, found her crying. But need to approach, walking too close with lighter on upset her. Nice job adding a respawn here.
- I'm keeping lighter off as I enter the chamber, but she still seems to see me
- This scream is getting annoying...
- Well, I lit every torch in that chamber, that didn't seem to do anything. Maybe I need to extinguish them...Can I even do that? Doesn't seem to be a way.
Overall, this game looks very pretty and has nice voice acting and an intriguing start to a story, but I feel like I'm missing something vital. Can't figure out how to get past the room where she's crying. Drop me a hint and I'll try again.