alright jay. Im getting magical 3, 3000 aura, my parra has 400 int and 100 mana, 5 level 3 spell vortexes and an arcane wand dealing 5.5% int per point of mana, lets say the target has 20 stacks of overload, lucky 3 activates and nothing else affects the damage. How much are we looking at? good god I cant even begin to calculate this
Shine thief would be +330%, +100% from overload, x4 from lucky. the hardest part is figuring out how much mana is spent, counting mana regen. so i just tested how much it would and its actually 110. so 110 X 5.5% = 605% of 400 = 3660.25 dmg. x4 from lucky = 14,641. +100% from overload = 29,282. +330% = 125,912.6 dmg to 1 target! as long as i didnt make any mistakes which is entirely possible lol
wow, that would be good for the first loops but after that I would get SHUT DOWN. Also more wind slicers means less spell vortexs but both are really important so they would contradict each other and im too lazy to find out what is the optimal amount of both (Id think it would be 3-3 or 4 vortexes and 2 slicers)