Crazy to think you've done this in just a month!
Gorgeous graphics, models, lighting and animations. Really adds a ton to the atmostphere of the game. Would have been great to allow rotation of the camera to make it a bit easier to see. I made it through a few rooms but then I think I got stuck:
There's a room where the guy needs to jump on a switch on a high platform. After opening a door using the guy + a small box on 2 switches, the minotaur placed the big box in a way that allowed the guy to jump first on the minotaur, then on the big box, then on the switch, thus opening the big door. The minotaur can go through the big door but as soon as the little guy moves out of the high platform, the door closes behind the minotaur and the little guy gets stuck as a result. Did I miss something or did I just mess up? :)