For clarity on the controls-issues I was seeing - I screen-recorded me doing the "scaling" and had a keypress-display on and you can see, if you choose to watch it, that I press space multiple times on some of the falls without the player jumping across - even with the sound effect running that's supposed to mean it's jumping. It appears that others have had this issue, too, but the same thing is happening when I'm performing a jump. Sometimes it jumps, sometimes it just changes orientation. Looking forward to playing a future build if there is one!
Thanks for the video. Can you try to replicate the issue on the newest version? (1.1)
I tried doing it on both the old and new version but I couldn't get the same result. The closest I've gotten is if I held W while I was sliding down the wall, but that doesn't play the jumping SFX when I press space.
Are you holding up while sliding down and trying to jump?