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I liked the story (the homonym issues aren’t a distraction as time to edit would have sorted that and your intent was clear). Reading the comments below I think the problem about the ending is maybe the plant trap - neither the establishment of a reason that the orc (a very articulate take which is different) would intercede that the elf could know about was made to the reader (helping others gets him a boon on his ritual hunt maybe, he had always been chastised by his clan for being the nice orc, etc…) nor enough of a reason that the elf would have been willing to put their life in danger even for to help sell the NEED of the desired alliance (all the Elf forces would die without help, etc…). If the trap was more minor then it being faked might have softened the ending, or the ending pushed the point home that the elf’s life was worth the risk due to even greater gain. It feels like a minor quibble and I did enjoy the read so I hope this isn’t taken as being too critical. 

I wanted to get away from 40k Orks so went more with Shamanistic Orcs from World of Warcraft, which are pretty articulate but are shamanistic with a warrior culture. They might be big mean and green, but deep down they're just people. I'm not sure how OPR will go with their Lore but I think that some differentiation with 40k would probably be a good idea. For instance the Rate Men of Grimdark Future are totally different!

Ellowin getting eaten was not part of his plan, and I just thought it would make for a more interesting meeting. As for Grog's motivation for lettings him out, it really wasn't much bother for him to save someones life so why not. That and Grog's been tracking solo for two weeks and he's a bit of a talker <LOL>.