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I really enjoyed this one, and I think it's a very solid entry that's very well organized with a strong sense of pacing and tension. I will second the "different title would have been better" comments (though it didn't affect my rating), though, and I was really hoping for a bit more at the end -  I think there's a lot of explanation and setting up front that could have been trimmed and rephrased to keep what's important while freeing you up enough words to really add a more definite ending (and maybe more paragraph breaks, to aid in readability).


Thank you! Good call about the paragraph breaks; I realize I've been using those very sparingly. Concerning the ending though, I'm honestly not sure if I would've gone further into it even if I'd had the space. Like, the development that the story focuses on is complete at that point, and I don't know if following that up with an explicit description of a vampire getting his head bitten off would've added much to the narrative as a whole. Still, I appreciate the feedback :D