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Hey  WellitonSouza (@wellzitusouza), kblo04, phBraganca !

How are you? My name is Ilias.

I tested your game, " Express Empire "


Smooth controls can be  nice plus when properly executed !

Combinaision between a 2d sidescrolling and a shooter/runner in addition of platforming experiences can sometimes make for a really nice and fun game !


At the begining the loading screen takes to much time  , i think it's a unity bug ( if you have used unity ) , many other jammer had it too on their game entries .

Fun Games can be cool adventurous and nice memories !!



Did you implement any optimization techniques, or did you choose to use only in-engine optimizations?

What engine and tools did you use to create your game, including the graphics?

How challenging was it to develop your game? Did you face any significant obstacles?

What inspired your game idea and gameplay? Could you share the story behind the game's name?

How did you get into video game development?


Note: It would mean a great deal to me if you could rate my game. If you haven't already, feedbacks from friends and fellow gamers is valuable to me. Thank you in advance for your consideration and your time.



Hi Ilias! Thanks for playing our game :)
About some questions:

  1. Optimization: We're using blinn-phong shading to save some GPU performance, also targetting IL2CPP to Faster Runtime and avoiding unnecessary code in update. 
  2. Engine: Unity (URP)
  3. Challenging? No
  4. How did you get in game development? kblo04 started as QA, shifted to Tech Art over time. Me and phBraganca started as Tech Artist too.

Reach me on discord and we can talk more about game development :)

Thanks again o/

Hi there,

Thank u for replying ,

Does Unity have a visual scripting system?

From your experience, when you build a game for the browser, do you encounter any limitations in rendering, such as emissive bloom, fog, roughness, refraction, etc.? I have used Unreal Engine, and some rendering features didn't match what I had in the editor.

Thank you again for answering the questions and interacting.

okay sounds good !
