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(1 edit) (+1)

This was super addictive and fun, I'm going to give this review the time it deserves.

- The title is clever and deserves its own point.

- The music bangs and is vibey enough that I don't wanna rip my ears off after playing for a while. Really great pick for that.

- I think the inclusion/balancing of more/existing frog modes would add a TON to this game. I can echo what the other guy said about one minion type being OP, but I'd also add that certain upgrades are also far better (extended tongue range doesn't really do much when you can just take speed instead, for example). I think this would also solve another issue, which is the mass mechanic - as far as I can tell, it's not currently worth it to try and make that balance work - expending your mass to produce summons is objectively better. But with time spent on balancing/adding other frogs, there's a good chance that could change - and it'd be worth pursuing that, because the mass is a cool mechanic.

- I'm guessing randomly generating maps took a decent amount of your dev time, but in a game like this, it's not gonna make much of an impact on the actual gameplay. Your time is (probably?) better spent just hardcoding one map.

All in all, this is one of the first entries I played that REALLY hooked me, and after being provided all the info by the game, it was really fun to try and imagine ways to stretch the limits of the game (how big or fast can I get?)

Kudos on a job well done!


Thanks for playing! Mega appreciate this response. I'll also respond with the time it deserves! Here's a bunch of fun facts:

  • The title was based off of 'little big planet' from the PS3 days
  • Tome0 did our music while being half deaf and sick, if you like it now, imagine what he could've done if he was better!
  • The game was pulled together in 6 days, as I was in Sydney on a work trip for the first 2 weeks (rip timing)
  • I didn't actually spend that much time on the map generation (under a day), frankly due to an amazing Unity plugin called "Map Graph". All-in-all it was probably faster than doing it by hand considering each tile was 16x16 and the map was I think 500 tiles wide.
  • One of the enemy types I wanted to add was the "Mega Buster Toad" and the "Mega Dart Toad". The buster toads would explode with a large boom and destroy large parts of your army, and dart toads would shoot large bullets from a range.
    • The buster toad is good a thinning down your army is latter levels if it gets too big
    • The dart toads are good at destroying some of your bomber frogs from a distance before they explode
    • Ideally I would have added more of these 'disruptor units' to give the player a harder time, and I could've even made the spawner-ai smart by spawning more of them when you've got more frog units deployed.
  • I wanted to add rarity to upgrades, that way more powerful ones like the "fly" and "speed" upgrades would appear less frequently. They're intentionally OP... but not intentionally common haha.

There's so much more I wanted to add, I've only mentioned a few here, I wish I was in this ready state a week ago, I'm sure we all do. Again thanks so much for playing ^^ <3

tongue range goes past the screen edges so if you get enough you can farm the screen of flies in one spot.