Five stars! interesting concept with a puzzle-scale game. It's fun to solve puzzles by balancing the size of the two characters with scales! In such a limited period, it is enough!
BTW, only one guy (you) developed?
I did have a friend who I was teaching to code, they did some of the enemies, but the combat mechanics (and enemies) ended up being cut due to time limitations that came about after our artist had some things come up and I ended up having to do almost all the art for the game assets in the last week or so leaving a lot of things unfinished.
So, while I did almost all the code and art, I don't want to discredit our composer, Theo Buff who did an awesome job with the music and other sound design (most of which I unfortunately didn't even get around to implementing) and our artist, Jackselit, who despite not delivering much still played a vital role in creating the concept.
Thanks for the support!