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FIrst of all, good job! The game sounds and looks very nice.

I would have enjoyed the game more , if it had gamepad support, though. And if there were a little bit more explanations.

Unfortunately, I also discovered a bug, where whenever I jump, the pause menu would open and then close again. And since there was no save file I had to start anew


Thanks you so much for the feedback! We plan on adding gamepad support in the future as we didn't have enough time this run. 

That is quite an odd bug that we haven't experienced. If you have any steps to replicate that would be very appreciated!


I will try again in the next few days and see whether I can reproduce it


I encountered the same bug on level 2, but I'm not sure what triggered it

Thanks for reporting that. Glad you played our game too! 
Trying very hard to replicate that bug but are unable to do so. 

Best of luck! I see a lot of promise in this game if it is developed further.