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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Nice game! I enjoyed the simplicity of this classic style adventure game. The controls felt good and navigating the environment was pretty straight-forward.  I enjoyed the inclusion of the currency and optional upgrades. This feature allows for grinding upgrades incase the player finds an enemy/boss too challenging. I felt the difficulty of this game wasn't too overwhelming, which allowed me to experience the entire game without any frustration. One thing I did not like was the length of the hit cooldown on enemies. This was especially noticeable for the final boss, where you have to wait 2-3 seconds in-between hits. I also suggest adding SFX for jumping and perhaps the wall-slide ability. Overall, this is a great entry!

(1 edit)

This is an interesting game with some cool design choices that come up short on execution. I didn't really understand what purpose there was to be losing the abilities. I gained the double jump and would go through certain doors which would take the ability from me. This issue is bad because all of the doors and levels generally look the same. I feel game needs a better tutorial to onboard players properly. I did enjoy the art, music & theme of the game. I see potential in the games concept if developed further. Nice job!

Great game! This is a really fast paced game which doesn't overstay its welcome. I thought the echoes of the past related puzzle mechanics were a clever addition.  This game hits all of the Metroidvania beats to a competent level.  I only have a couple suggestions to improve the game. I suggest tuning because it was too high when dropping down to lower levels. I also suggest tuning the Final bosses' attacks, because there was there wasn't enough time to react and dodge them.

(1 edit)

Good game! I like the music & the inclusion of simple puzzle mechanics. The environments are also varied enough so that navigation isn't too difficult. To further enhance this game, I suggest adding SFX for player actions and puzzle activation.

Excellent game! There is a lot of good stuff in this game that is done to a competent level. Inclusion of a map, varied biomes & music, several bosses, and many visual effects, to name a few. I also really appreciated the generous checkpoints & saves. I beat the game in two sittings & I think the jump became glitched some, because was able to infinite jump.  The bosses were fine, but not really much of a challenge.  Also, the player icon on the map could be highlighted better. Overall, this is a great game.

(2 edits)

Cool game! I like the strange & eerie levels that give me a "backrooms" vibe. The general silence of the game works to make it even creepier. I became stuck at a room soon after unlocking the marbles. It was the room with several spotlights where you have to get the box. I think the checkpoint should be closer to that room, because I had to walk back there several times and eventually gave up. Good game overall!

Good game! I like the character art, environments, and dark tone of the game. The character is very reminiscent of the Worms games. The music & SFX are also well done. I encountered many bugs while playing unfortunately. I was immediately able to glitch out of the map by crouch walking in the corner to the right. I also appeared to have the glide abilities before unlocking them. When I did unlock the glide the character transformation was cool, but after I died it reverted back to normal. I'm not sure if this is intended. Shortly after unlocking the recoil jump, I fell of the map into an endless void. Still, this is an interesting game which I enjoyed.

(1 edit)

Very nice game! I like the story setup & the Player character has a cool look & personality. The look & feel kind of reminds me of Kid Chameleon. The music & SFX are well done & add a lot of life to the game. The game feel & balance could use some tweaking. The Player movement felt too slow & bosses were easy to cheese. The bosses are a great addition, but I became soft-locked somehow at the demon boss. Good game overall!

Good game! I like the character and environmental art here. I also like the unique take on double-jumping, although it didn't always reset my jump properly. It also could have been clearer what all of the pickups do. I believe only the first ability had a help message indicating that the player powered up. The final boss had some cool attack patterns which required the abilities to overcome, but the boss could use some more balancing. I ended up cheesing the boss by standing in the corner and slashing it. Overall, this is a solid game!

(1 edit)

I like the humorous story setup to this game. The addition of physics in this game really boosts the interactivity up a notch. There is a good variety to the enemies & levels. My main gripe is the floaty/slidey controls, which were most obvious during the final boss fight. The combination of slidey character and contact damage on the boss didn't feel right.  I also dislike the lack of checkpoints & a map, but that could be argued as "classic" castlevania features. Great entry overall.

Yes, I did have it unlocked. Now that I think of it, I probably could have dashed out of there

(1 edit)

Nice game with some good character & level art. I feel like the game was mainly missing a Shoot and enemy hit SFX. The other issue is the game is hard to navigate. There isn't much difference between areas visually, so I ended up wandering aimlessly. I eventually became soft-locked in a room which I could not exit because the ceiling was too low to jump back.

(3 edits)

Sorry about that. Were you playing the Windows version? I noticed I forgot to setup the proper export filters for Windows. It should be properly working now.

Great puzzle game with a unique combination of mechanics. These puzzles are challenging and well crafted. I like the music that plays throughout and the visuals. Overall, great entry!

This game is great! It utilizes the theme in a creative and original way. I like any game that incorporates music and rhythm in clever ways. One criticism I have is the game relies on trial-and-error a bit much, but the checkpoints are generous, so it isn't really an issue. 

Nice simple platformer. I enjoyed all of the art, and how when you transform the world the palette swaps. I suggest tuning the player hitbox, because it is hard to hit enemies without getting hit yourself.

(1 edit)

The puzzle mechanics included here are interesting and original, offering many different ways you can transform the objects. I got stuck on level 3, which suggests that the level design and mechanics could use some additional work. Overall, this is a good entry.

Cool platformer with some experimental mechanics. The music is good, and with the addition of SFX and some refinement to the mechanics, this could be a complete game.

This is a good prototype for a decent platformer game. I suggest reworking the stick/wall-jump controls as they are a bit clunky.

Interesting take on turn-based battles in this entry. I see potential in the mechanic if more player & enemy attacks are added. I was soft locked and unable to move after loading from the save point. Overall, this is a good entry.

Nice puzzle platformer with good use of the Transform theme. I really like the music & SFX included here. I suggest making it one button to toggle between forms and removing the standard form. There isn't any benefit to being in the standard form from what I noticed.

Good game with some amazing art & music. The use of theme is cool, and the game is very original. I like the transforming aspect, but I suggest removing the random element from it. I would often just be waiting to transform because I couldn't progress in my current form. Overall, great game!

Nice short and simple game. Could definitely see this being a creepy Wario ware mini-game :D

(1 edit)

Nice game with a good number of levels included. The use of the theme and the combination of mechanics is quite original. The game slowly adds in new mechanics every few levels to keep things interesting. Good job!

Incredible visuals & style on this entry! The music & SFX are great as well.  I am having the issue of double speed on 60hz monitors. The gameplay is still good, but it like playing on super hard mode. Overall, this is a great game.

(2 edits)
  • If you happen to ignore the first two artifacts and drop down, there is no way back up.
  • Bow should be the default weapon since the Sword isn't useful against the boss
  • Cool beans

Great take on the Jam theme. I like how the levels transform and the variety of obstacles. The game difficult curve slowly ramps up, but I think it should go higher because the game is a bit too easy. Overall, great entry!

Great take on the Jam theme. I like how the levels transform and the variety of obstacles. The game difficult curve slowly ramps up, but I think it should go higher because the game is a bit too easy. Overall, great entry!

(1 edit)

Cool level editor. This could be the beginnings of a Super Mario Maker type game. The visuals & music are good. I suggest adding tiles which alter the game since most just seemed to be visual changes. Hazards, bounce, & ice tiles are some that come to mind. 

(1 edit)

Cool game that blends 2D perspectives with its original take on the theme. I like the bits of humor thrown in the game (Leaves epically). The art & SFX are well done, but the ambient music is lacking during boss battles.
Here are some of the issues I encountered:

  • Possible to miss first two required Artifactson level 1 and have to restart.
  • Didn't know I had a bow until reading comments outside of the game.
  • Lack of Artifact count UI

Solid platformer with some fun special abilities. The charge/football that allows you to smash through walls was my favorite. I like the art & SFX but I felt the game was just missing some music. Good entry overall!

I like the physics puzzles and how you get to control a drone. I suggest adding SFX to really liven up the game.

This is pretty solid for your first game. I suggest adding some basic SFX and maybe some music. Sounds would really liven the game up a lot.

This is a clever puzzle game with a good number of challenging levels. I liked the escape sequence at the end. The visual & sound design is good, but the music has some EQ issues. Overall, this is a good entry!

(1 edit)

Good game with some nice color choices. I tried out a couple of runs and it is quite engaging. I assume the maps are random which adds a lot of replay value. Is it possible to 100% any of the maps? 

I enjoyed the platforming mechanics in this game. I especially like the ledge grab of the final form. The visual & sound designs are well done, and they create a chill vibe. I encountered a glitch with swimming which allowed me to swim anywhere in the world. Overall, this is a great entry!

(1 edit)

Nice puzzle game. It is simple to grasp, and the art included is nice. I like how the game is seamless from room to room. I made it pretty far, but I encountered a bug that wouldn't let me progress. I interacted with the door that wanted the color purple while I was in purple. This somehow caused the game to freeze. Overall, this was a good entry.

I enjoyed my playthrough of this game. There is a good number of levels & they aren't too challenging. I like the music and cozy vibe that is present throughout.

This game is pleasant and has nice music. There isn't much challenge to the game though. I suggest adding enemies or obstacles to increase challenge of the game.

Solid puzzle game with nice presentation. I like the chill music & variety of mechanics included here. The puzzles were relatively simple until I hit a wall at level 12. Overall, this is a great entry!