Hello again! I apologize for asking about stuff so frequently, but this LocJAM is my first, and as such, I have some doubts(and besides, I’d rather ask too many questions than break something!) So! In my translation of the game, I worked on the i18n.js file-as intended. But I did it via a CAT tool. And after I was done, the CAT tool attached a target language code to the name of my Polish file!(as they normally do)Basically, the name of my localized file is: i18n_pol.js. And that _pol suffix is the issue-with that attached it’s the wrong file name! It is not going to work with that bit. But what do you think is the best course of action:
1. Get rid of that _pol bit in my translation file name—>the system is going to complain(well, WARN me)about there being TWO i18n.js files in the folder and whether I wish to overwrite one with the other—>allow the overwrite
2.OR: FIRST remove the English/original i18n.js file (but is that even something we can do? It is essentially meddling with the file structure in the folder) THEN rename my i18n_pol.js to i18n.js and it SHOULD work(also, it would do so WITHOUT raising any “file conflict“ alarms-seems less confusing)?
Again, I apologize for my indecisiveness and an awkward issue(or if I basically REPEATED myself with these two methods)…but like I said: I’d rather risk a weird question than ruin my weeks worth of work! Natalia Ryś