Rene does allow spells, yes, but he has a lot more firepower than I do. I don't have the money to learn Rock Armor anytime soon, and I don't think I have access to Lightning Jam coating (I did take out the Lamia, so I may have just missed it).
I think this playthrough might be screwed. I'm at Day 141 with 30/34 corruption and several mental changes, and am blocked on basically every quest. First I cleared out the phantoms, and after some difficulty made it through the Lamia and the big shark-like thing I forgot the name from... only to find that I needed Open Domain II to proceed with the quest. I finally got to 50 Trust with the demon cult people, but other than being able to learn Shadowcloak for 500g instead of 3500g, nothing has been gained, and it seems that it will take 80 trust to get the leader to see me. I visited Mountainreach, and found the person who could teach me Open Domain II, but I need 100 mana for that - I'm at 97 without any enhancement spells on, but don't have a way of raising it easily (I'm out of Ethers after upgrading my slimes - I guess I could buy some, but fuck that's expensive). I then tried visiting the big city in the south, and was able to beat Lara, but the other Duelists beat the shit out of me in my current condition even if I'm using poisoned blades. Roland gave me a quest to take care of a golem, but the academy headmaster mentioned that I'd need Brittle II to have any hope of taking it on, and I would need to be an academy member to get this, which requires 20,000g (I'm not even sure if this is intended to be possible lol). Finally I decided to try to head to the Fortress of Wrath (which I originally assumed was something to do AFTER all this other stuff), and with some effort made my way through to the adventurers holed up there... and discovered that I would need a blessed energy potion+, which is totally inaccessible (I would need to get the recipe, which I think is the book for 5000g, then learn Bless I for 2300g). I currently have only 3,475g and don't have a good way of getting more aside from working at the workshop for 230g, which can be done at most every other day. Meanwhile, corruption is constantly growing, I think it's +1 every other day.
EDIT: I realized based on what the wiki said that I could use the Clear Gem instead of waiting to die, so I've checked out the room and apparently I would have 46 points to spend on a New Game+ if I wanted to end it now. ... If I'm reading this formula correctly, apparently ending the game with the gem is considered a Victory? That doesn't make sense... I had assumed I would need to have, you know, won the game, in order to have a Victory. Regardless... with 46, I could start with +3 AGI/LUCK, +3 DEF/MDEF, and +3 ATK/MATK (or, instead of the ATK/MATK, go for +750g and +15 HP/MP, which would probably help more early game but be worth less than the ATK/MATK later on) (EDIT2: oh, found the part that sells spells... hrrm. Starting with Thunderbolt for 14 points might help - would save me 1200g... or if I was willing to part with one of the other stat upgrades, I could do Shadowcloak for 20 points).
Eh, the trouble with anime girls is that basically everything between 15 and 25 can look more or less the same, depending on the artist. I'd be fine with the way she looks, if she hadn't been explicitly said to be in high school. Hell, even a college student of the same age would be better - she's definitely smart enough to have gone to college early. Also, more importantly, while being hypnotized and brainwashed can be hot, being hypnotized and brainwashed by a man like Roland is squick.