Visuals: Art brute tier, I can barely stand to look at this. I do like the concept, though, with the semi-abstract backgrounds and such; and the 'lore' and how it’s presented. With better execution this all could be sick.
Gameplay: Surprisingly interesting. With some things I am not sure I did them the 'correct' way - character behaviour feels a bit glitchy. I rather enjoy that. I haven’t played far - but I got a bit tired of all the elements introduced. I think this kind of game works better if for some tricks/controls introduced, there is then 6-12 puzzles to be solved with that, before learning the next trick. Nortubel has only 1-2 puzzles before the next trick is introduced, it’s a bit stressful. About the puzzle aspect in general, I was surprised when the knife and Hit Points got introduced. As far as I played, it feels like it could be just a puzzle game (with one-hit K.O.) idk if a heavier fighting aspect is coming up later, but I am not excited to play that. I’ve had enough of a challenge getting my companion through the platforms and ladders.
Controls: Partly I did not understand them, partly they keybindings seem weird to me. Instead of the Q-combos, I would prefer pressing the buttons 1-2-3, for example. Instead of Z, I would like another key I can reach with index or middle finger, maybe G or T.