Almost got the 100k...
The movement is good, I like the physics, I don't how to make the tricks in the move list, I try pressing the buttons in the sequence it shows, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Making simply tricks with diagonal spins and making tricks on the rails is how made 94.171 points.
At first, I was confused when spinning in the air, why the D-pad? the first 10 minutes it was me rewiring my brain to use the D-pad instead of the Left Stick, I think it will more natural doing it with the Left stick when the character is mid air. Anyways, it is just a personal opinion, at end my mind adapted to gamepad and play it normally.
Character is cute, that's important.
There is no music, but I enjoyed playing this with the 1080 snowboarding game of the N64 playing in the background, if you still don't what kind of music to put in the game you should check it out.
Nice demo.