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A member registered Nov 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I'm working hard to push the character designs, graphics and level design. Exciting things coming!

Thanks! I'm work mad hard on polishing the level and graphics. I got team members now that are making the sound track and characters. It's all coming along nicely. I couldn't be happier.

It's something I've thought about quite a bit, I'm not sure that's the right direction for the game. It's supposed to be quite arcade-y physics.

I think you got some weird loading bugs. The game sat at a frozen grey screen for over 30s after launching. Windows asked me if I wanted to kill the process because it's not responding.  Same thing happened when I loaded into the level and it kept micro freezing for a second or two as I walked around. I alt F4'ed after reading the cringe dialogue. Sorry.

CCute and soulful game. Keep it up!

Thanks, I'm dedicated to make Tricky Madness the best modern arcade snowboarding experience.

Thanks for the feedback. Some of those bugs I think I fixed in version 2.1. Like the getting stuck on rails and the timer not counting down. Were you playing on version 2.1? I don't find it too hard to move my left hand from WASD to ZXCV and back. I'm not sure what an alternative would be. I'm just using the controls scheme from the SSX games and trying to map that from gamepad to keyboard. Eventually people will be able to remap keys if they want something else. Thanks again for the feedback and the crash files. I've not heard anyone have crashes but I have heard about the other problems you've had. I'll be interested to look at the crash reports.

Yeah, I'm working on an update right now to polish the animations and add music. I was going to do breakcore, glad you agree that's a good fit for the game. It already has speed lines and boost trails??

It just depends on what feel your going for but I like tight controls.

Thanks, the DPad is so you can charge a spin while holding A. I hope with the Kickstarter I will be able to pay for music, I will checkout the your recommendation.

(1 edit)

Didn't like how the flying felt so floaty. I played until I died, so about 2 minutes. XD

Sweet, thanks for the feedback I categorized it all into my feedback notes. I'll try to make it live up to the greatness of the classic games. To get faster times pretty much need to be boosting 24/7 and holding forward.

I thought I fixed the rails problem, it hasn't happened to me in over two weeks but it keeps happening to other people. RIP

Yeah you basically hold a flip direction until right before the ground then let go. It's the same way it works in SSX. Sorry.

Oof on the getting stuck on rails and falling through the floor. Was it in ragdoll? I should add something that says to can do the inputs while charging jump and you have to hold the last input. Thanks for checking it out.

Awesome thanks! Glad you think it's so close to the original games.  That's the thing I care most about.

  • I agree with Hurri, the dialog font is obnoxious to read
  • The battle animations and text aren't doing it for me, the health bars look really out of place.
  • I hit a crow and got a crow coin +1
  • Leveling up restores HP +1
  • I had to kill some poor janitors broom -999

It took my a long time to get used to the harder tricks. I like that though, it should had more hours of gameplay for hardcore fans. Personally I find the controller harder but maybe that's because I always use keyboard when play testing?? Thanks for playing and leaving feedback.

Unfortunately the game requires more buttons than that controller has so no.

Nah, it's public domain music, spent 5+ hrs listening to dog shit just to find them.

Thanks, I liked the dance animation too. I'm pretty unhappy with the levels graphics. I can do a lot better if I push myself. Everyone's kind feedback showed me their is still some minor tweaking to do but the basic mechanics are good so I can focus more on levels.

Thanks for the feedback was very insightful. I added dynamic FOV to try and communicate that the offroad slows you down. I will try making the slow down more impactful and the FOV change larger. Also, crouching makes you speed up but turning interrupts your crouch. I think your right that I should have you stay crouched but with reduced turning.

I feel like I worked so hard between this demo and the last one but I'm really not happy with things. Like you said the level and animations are subpar, really most things feel subpar. I guess that's a step up from the last demo which everything felt like shit.

Guess I have to work even harder to make it good.

AHHH, please don't remind me about needing snow trails.

Thanks for the feedback. I changed the options menu to be disabled and found a game crashing bug while at it. Both fixes have been uploaded. 

  • it will be possible to fail a trick and crash head first into the snow?

Yes, I will tackle that shortly. I've been discussing with some friends how that will work from a technical standpoint.

  • it will be possible to chain multiple tricks together to get even higher scores?

Not sure if you mean multiple tricks in one jump or holding a combo across multiple jumps but both will be possible.

The next demo is November 4th and should have both of these features. However, I don't think getting off the snowboard will ever be a feature.

(1 edit)

Yes, I got a ton of good feedback from people playing the demo and I'm hard at work making improvements. There will be another demo on November 4th and some infrequent updates on social media until then.

This was made in just two weeks, don't worry, there is plenty more to come.


There will be race events and trick events eventually and tricks will give you boost. This demo I was just trying to get the basic character controls down--still needs polishing.

You've never played a SSX game? I... you... me... idk how to reply to that, I guess reporting your parents for depriving you is the only option.