No video recording, but I took screenshots and wrote down some things.
Game crashed three seven times for me (half of those were on freestyle when I had over 60k) I zipped the blol crash files and uploaded them for you here
I managed to fill the whole TRICKY word within the first 30 seconds
My top freestyle score is 66k. I had higher score, but the game crashed for the second time. I average between 40k-50k. There are ways of cheesing the score, but that’s also when crashes happen. I have no idea how you can legit get the gold in freestyle.
I was about 3 seconds away from the silver medal on the time trial. Time trials were never my thing. It seems like you really gotta prioritize rails over jumps.I finally got gold for time trials during my second playtesting session. -
The timer in freestyle should be counting down. Counting up makes no sense. You should have limited time for doing tricks like in SSX.
It’s really awkward to play this game on keyboard with fingers from movement keys constantly switching to tricks keys. If movement keys don’t do anything in air, then they could be used for tricks if for example you hold SHIFT.
I do not see why the game just doesn’t put me back on the board automatically and waits for me to press R. With that said I think falling down is so bad, I might as well just restart the whole thing. Ragdolls are funny thou.
The level did not feel like a level for freestyle. I guess you could add some score multiplier snowflakes for players to collect while doing tricks.
I do not understand how tricks from the book like XXV are supposed to work. All I do is just hold Z or X or C or V with different Arrow Keys for some tricks on the left side, but the right side in the trick book is a mystery.
Rail Tricks sometimes do, and sometimes don’t work, and I do not understand why.
You can get stuck on rails.
I got more screenshots of beint stuck if you need them -
Somewhere on the first left turn of the level is a spot which makes you bounce off an invisible wall that is right in the middle of the turn. It happened about 7 times.
Somehow I fell of the world. It was about ¼ of the level, but respawning put me right at the end.
Player character is really cute
Players could constantly hold left/right arrow keys and jump all the time, and they will never fall over.
I somehow managed to make the character face the camera for a good 5 seconds after landing into shift/ctrl trick. It lasted good 5 seconds (she’s a cutie).
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